My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1515 Brother Fanwai 1 Don't order if you don't like it

In a dense forest, four handsome young men walked through on foot. The four youths have handsome faces and different temperaments. The only thing they have in common is that their eyes are full of fierceness and violence.

"In human terms, this is really a fight between gods and mortals. I think we are famous for being fierce, but now we run away like dogs." The youngest-looking young man who walked at the back spat mouth.

"Shut up, I will eat you again." The young man walking in the front turned his head to look at the young man behind him, and the fierce look in his eyes became even more fierce. But the words spoke to his heart. They used to be so majestic, but now, they really run away like fucking dogs.

"When I'm afraid of you? Come on, let's fight." The youngest young man cursed with a look of displeasure.

"Stop it all. What are the fights? There are only four of us left. Besides, haven't you fought before? Fourth, you are the weakest chicken, but your mouth is the hardest." One of the other two youths, An impatient persuasion. Things have developed like this, still noisy, annoying to death. This is the second-ranked youth.

"I'm the weakest chicken? Are you saying that the big bullies the small? You've given me thousands of years, and when I grow up, I'll see how I beat you!" The fourth child itched his teeth when he mentioned this. Don't you just pretend to be bigger than yourself? A group of spicy chickens know how to bully the small with the big!

"We have already calculated the result. If you look at the two races, you don't know if there are any survivors." The young man who ranked third said lazily, "It's not easy for us to get together, come on. , let’s get along well. Isn’t there a saying in human beings that we depend on each other for life?”

"Sooner or later, I will call back." The fourth child spat.

"Wake up." The second child curled his lips, "Don't think about those illusory things, the most important thing is to find something to eat now. This place is really rubbish, and none of the edible ones are gone."

"Maybe we didn't restrain our aura at first?" The third child thought about it. So those beasts were all scared away, and they ran far away.

"It doesn't matter, I'm hungry, I'll eat whatever I find later!" The boss made a final decision, and then walked forward quickly.

The three youths behind also followed quickly.

"Yes, I'm starving to death, and I'll eat whatever I can find." The three echoed.

It's just that I didn't expect that after a while, all four of them farted when they said what they just said.

"Damn it! Look, there's a big egg here!" The fourth child's eyes were sharp, and he saw a big egg in front of him at a glance. To what extent, they are almost as tall as half their bodies. What kind of beast's egg is this?

"Eat, eat, fried eggs or boiled?" The boss yelled.

"Boiled in water is better for nutrition." The second child suggested.

"Fart, fried eggs are more fragrant. Put some chopped green onion and it will be nice." The third child objected.

"Wait, why does this egg have that family's aura on it? Fuck, it's really disgusting." The boss twitched his nose and frowned.

"Really. This taste is really disgusting." The second child also twitched his nose with disgust.

"It can't be the egg of that family, right?" The third child looked at the huge milky white egg in front of him.

"Never mind him, forget it." The fourth child snorted coldly.

"Why do I think it's not very kind? I don't know if there are any survivors of that clan in this battle. If this is the last egg, shouldn't we let them exterminate the clan?" The third child hesitated.

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