"This map of Nanli Eight Arrays is arranged with the essence of the demon spirit of the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood. Otherwise, it's just piles of ordinary rubble. How could it be so mysterious? As long as the array is not broken, you will be able to If you still can't get the essence of the demon spirit, you can't break through the blood limit." Zhong Nantian replied.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen finally suddenly realized that the reason why this formation is so mysterious is not only because of the exquisite formation of the ancients, but also because of the spirit essence of the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood. Of course, to be able to use the spiritual power of the demon plant as Qi to form such a large formation with ordinary gravel, the technique of the formation itself is exquisite enough.

"Enen, do you have any questions?" Zhong Nantian finally finished talking about the origin of Nanli's eight formations, and looked at Luo Enen with a kind face.

"Without Master, I know my responsibilities, and I will come back when I get too old, but how should I get out now?" Luo Enen asked.

When she was living in the Promise Sacred Heaven, when she was most helpless and unaccompanied, it was the master who took her in and accepted her as a disciple, took her back to the Nanli Sect, and let her live the happiness of shopping, buying, eating, and eating again. In life, she will never forget this kindness, and she will never evade her duties. But now, she is still young, and she hasn't bought enough or eaten enough, so she doesn't want to stay here so early and wait to die.

"I can't do anything about it. You can only go out after comprehending the mystery of the formation, and you have to break the seal of the formation yourself. Otherwise, just wait slowly." Zhong Nantian shook his head and said.

"What!" Luo Enen yelled again like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, but this time when she jumped up, Zhong Nantian held down her shoulders.

"The elders of our lineage will disappear for ten years when they come to the Nanli Eight Formation Map for the first time. Do you think it's a retreat?" Zhong Nantian said with a smile, and there was a bit of complacency on his face. Just like a kid who teased his companions with a prank.

It really is an old child, old child, and after getting along for a little longer, Gu Fenghua found that this Supreme Elder is really like a child sometimes. Of course, if it wasn't like this, he wouldn't be so angry one moment, and the next moment He was coaxed into obedience by Lornen.

"Isn't it?" Luo Enen had faintly heard about the ten-year retreat of the elders of his lineage, but he never cared about it, so how could he think about it, only now did he realize that things are not that simple.

"Nonsense, it's not that there is no way out. Who wants to shut themselves up for ten years, whether to eat or drink, is the brain flooded? Is there no way for us to know? Unless we can comprehend the formation by ourselves , to open the seal, otherwise you have to wait until ten years later, the seal will be opened by itself before you can go out, unfortunately, for so many years, no one has ever been able to comprehend the formation within ten years, even me is no exception." Zhong Nantian was very emotional about this matter, and later he was full of resentment. It is estimated that the feeling of being trapped for ten years was very uncomfortable. Well, whoever is stuck in this desolate, barren place won't feel well without food or food for ten years.

"Ah..." Luo Enen was dumbfounded for a moment.

"Ah what, if you want to go out early, you should hurry up and understand the formation, don't waste time." Zhong Nantian said.

"Oh." Luo Enen replied listlessly, then took out the few boxes of snacks left in front of him, staring at them in a daze.

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