My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1518 She Was Speechless When She Asked

"What are you doing again?" Zhong Nantian thought that she would start to comprehend the formation immediately, but who knew that she would be fascinated by a few boxes of snacks, and asked inexplicably.

"I was wondering, if I ate a little every day, would I be able to last for ten years?" Lorn replied, holding his chin.

"Didn't you say before that you're going to be hungry sooner or later anyway, so instead of starving every single meal, it's better to have a few full meals before starving slowly?" Gu Fenghua asked. When they came in and just had snacks, Lornen muttered.

"I didn't know that I would be hungry for ten years, ten years, I have to give myself something to think about, otherwise I will have nothing to do all day, and I will be bored to death." Luo Enen replied.

"How come you have nothing to do, you don't plan to comprehend the formation, and you don't want to go out early?" Zhong Nantian came back to his senses and said with a frown.

"Even master and you can't comprehend the formation, can I comprehend it? By the way, there are also master master, great master great master, wife great master, do you think my talent and understanding are stronger than them?" Lorne En asked.

Zhong Nantian was left speechless by her question. Although he accepted Luo Enen as his apprentice, it was not entirely because there was no one to choose from, but because he really liked her talent and understanding, but he didn't think she could surpass the past generations. Patriarch.

"Look, you also know that I'm no better than the patriarchs of past generations, and I can't comprehend the eight diagrams of Nanli. If that's the case, why should I waste my time and energy?" Luo Enen said confidently.

"..." Zhong Nantian stared at the precious apprentice for a long time without saying a word, but the expression on his face was very familiar to Gu Fenghua, and by the way, this expression of hating iron but not steel often appeared on his own face.

Sometimes even Gu Fenghua can't figure it out, with Miss Luo's lazy temper, how could she have the current level of cultivation.

"If you don't study hard, how will you strengthen the formation and protect the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood in the future?" Zhong Nantian couldn't help asking again.

"Didn't you say that you would come back when I was dying? It's still early, why rush? I won't die so early, besides, by then, my cultivation must have improved a lot. The method will get twice the result with half the effort, why bother to torture yourself so hard now?" Luo Enen said.

Even Gu Fenghua had to admit that this reason was very sufficient and convincing.

"Not only do you have to come here when you are dying, but you have to come here once every thousand years." Zhong Nantian reminded.

"That's not too short. After another thousand years, I don't know how strong I will be. Maybe I'll kill you easily." When it comes to the millennium, Luo Enen is even more disapproving.

"Do you think one of the legendary twelve beasts is so easy to kill?" Zhong Nantian said angrily. If it was really that easy to kill, this Jiaojiao would have been torn to pieces by the ancestors of the past generations. How could they have anything to do with it?

"Yeah, I understand, I understand. But anyway, there is more time, and I will come to comprehend after my strength is higher in the future. Don't worry now. Besides, with my current strength, even if comprehended, it will not be of much help. " Luo Enen didn't argue with Master, and said with a playful smile.

Zhong Nantian looked at the laughing, still heartless Luo Enen, and was speechless again, wondering in his heart: Did he really do the right thing when he accepted her as his apprentice?

Based on his experience and vision, it is not difficult to see that Lonen's nature is frank and trustworthy, and he is by no means as heartless as it appears on the surface. He also believes that since she worships him as a teacher, she will definitely perform her duties, but her She is too tired and lazy, if everything goes as usual, it's fine, if something unexpected happens, I'm really worried that she won't be able to cope.

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