My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1519 It may not be possible to wait until the next millennium

Thinking of the possible accident, Zhong Nantian's heart became heavy, and he couldn't help but glance at Gu Fenghua.

"Oh!" Luo Enen suddenly raised his head and exclaimed, and then looked straight at Gu Fenghua.

"What's the matter?" Gu Fenghua felt terrified by her, subconsciously looked down at himself, and there was nothing unusual.

"I remembered, don't you always have some ingredients with you, should you still have some?" Lonen asked.

"Also, although it's not enough for you to eat for ten years, it's enough if you just keep it in your mind." Only then did Gu Fenghua realize what she was yelling, and while talking, he took out hundreds of peeled and washed The pheasant and the hare showed Lornen a look.

"Enough is enough, half a month, we share it with Master, and treat it as a tooth-beating sacrifice, let alone ten years, twenty years are not afraid, ho ho... ho ho..." Luo Enen He laughed strangely again. I have to say that Miss Luo is not the kind of rich lady who stretches out her clothes to eat and opens her mouth to not know the sufferings of the world, and she can still live a hard life.

"You are really planning to retire here..." Zhong Nantian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said.

"Otherwise, what else can we do? If you come here, let it be. By the way, Master, there is still a box of lotus seed mixed crisps here. You can open it and eat it. Anyway, Fenghua still has something to eat." Luo Enen's brows were completely relaxed, There was no trace of distress on his face anymore.

"Actually, you may not be able to wait until the next millennium. Maybe after a thousand years, Nanli Sect will no longer exist." Seeing Luo Enen's bright but still heartless smile, Zhong Nantian finally made up his mind. Determined, said with a dignified expression.

"Why?" Lonen was taken aback.

"Although this formation is extremely delicately arranged, and it is inspired by the spirit essence of the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood, after all, nearly ten thousand years have passed, the formation has already been damaged, and the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood was sealed in the Therefore, lacking the nourishment of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it has been withering day by day, and the essence of the demon spirit is far less abundant than it was at the beginning. If I read correctly, even if I inject my whole life into the formation, it will not exceed a thousand years at most, and the formation will probably be destroyed. Breakthrough by monsters." Zhong Nantian said in a deep voice.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen subconsciously looked towards Nanli Eight Arrays. The fog was so hazy that they couldn't see the scene clearly, but they could hear the roars and rumbles of countless monsters. Obviously, those monsters Lost in it, he is attacking like crazy.

It is conceivable that this kind of thing has happened countless times in the past ten thousand years. No matter how ingenious and mysterious the Nanli Eight Formation Diagram is, it will be broken sooner or later.

"Why do I feel that the aura of heaven and earth in that valley is quite abundant, stronger than that of Nanli Sect?" Luo Enen looked towards the direction of Nanli Valley behind the formation, and said doubtfully.

"That's not the aura of heaven and earth, but the aura of monster plants from the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood. If it weren't for the aura of monster plants, these monsters would not have survived until now, but except for the essence of demon spirits, all the aura of monster plants would be Absorbed by Jiao Jiao and these monsters, the valley was barren without a blade of grass." Zhong Nantian explained.

No wonder the valley is full of aura, but not a single blade of grass grows. This is the reason. When Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen suddenly realized it, they felt a little bit emotional: It is indeed the third-ranked Jiuqiao Spiritual Heart Wood among the Eight Great Monster Trees. Without the nourishment of heaven and earth spiritual energy, it can survive for tens of thousands of years, and the spiritual energy remains so full.

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