My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1520 You think too highly of yourself

"Master, what should we do then?" After sighing with emotion, Loenen asked worriedly.

Although she has not been in Nanli Sect for a long time and she doesn't have much affection for this sect, even for the sake of her master, she absolutely does not want to see any accidents in the formation, and she does not want Nanli Sect to encounter the disaster of annihilation. What's more, she has promised her master that she will definitely fulfill her duties, guard this formation well, and let this ancient sect pass on safely.

"The best way is to get rid of Jiao Jiao as you said!" Zhong Nantian raised his eyebrows, and a powerful aura surged in his body.

"But you said just now that you can't kill it. If you want to kill it, the ancestors of all generations would have killed it long ago. Why do you need to wait until we do it?" Luo Enen didn't get excited because of the powerful aura suddenly gushing out of the master, but Said suspiciously.

"The ancestors of the previous dynasties could not be killed because they were alone and had no help. Now, I am more than one." Zhong Nantian said with a slight smile.

"Master, you think highly of me. With my strength, I'm afraid I can't help you much." Luo Enen said shyly, but she was very self-aware.

"You think highly of yourself, I'm not talking about you, and I never thought you would come in so early." Zhong Nantian rolled his eyes fiercely.

"Then what you're talking about is...Fenghua!" Lonen finally realized that he was being affectionate, and looked at Gu Fenghua in surprise.

"Me?" Gu Fenghua was also a little baffled. Although she was a bit stronger than Lornen, she couldn't take advantage of these seventh- and eighth-level monsters, let alone the legendary Qi In comparison, I don't think I can help much at all. You know, the opponent is a heaven-level powerhouse much stronger than Chang Wanfa Swing Sword, she doesn't know how many levels higher.

"That's right, it's you. Only you can help us. The life and death of the Nanli Sect rests on you. This is also a great opportunity for the Nanli Sect!" Zhong Nantian said in an unquestionable tone. Said.

Zhong Nantian looked at Gu Fenghua with burning eyes, his expression was a little unusually excited.

This time, not only Gu Fenghua himself was puzzled, but Luo Enen beside him was even more confused. She has never doubted Gu Fenghua's ability, but the gap between her strength and her master's is too great. It is completely unreasonable to put all her hopes on a mysterious sage for a problem that even a dignified heavenly sage can't solve. ah.

He's not joking, is he? Or, his performance disappointed his master too much and made him dizzy? Lorn thought secretly. Sure enough, Miss Luo is still very self-aware.

"Senior, please speak clearly." Gu Fenghua also had such a guess, but Zhong Nantian didn't look like joking, let alone dizzy, so he said seriously.

"If I'm not mistaken, your understanding of the way of formation is astonishing. You should have practiced it since you were young. Now the technique of formation has reached the state of great accomplishment, right?" Zhong Nantian said.

"Senior, why did you say that?" Gu Fenghua asked suspiciously.

It is true that she has practiced formation techniques with her brothers since she was very young, so her comprehension should be pretty good. In fact, her comprehension in alchemy, formations, seals, and formations is still passable, and she doesn't know if she is born this way, or because her brothers were enlightened early. But no matter what, at least in terms of formation techniques, she has definitely not reached the stage of great success, and she doesn't know where Zhong Nantian came to such a conclusion.

"Do you know how long it took me to pass through the Nanli Eight Arrays when I first came here?" Zhong Nantian didn't answer her question directly, but asked leisurely.

Gu Fenghua shook his head, how could she know such a thing.

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