My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1521: Don't order it if you don't like it 3

"Don't move, I'm the only one who can hold cubs, right? When we went to Earth, I was the only one who saw how human females hold their cubs. You can? She is so petite and weak, what if you hurt her?" The second child stared Following the other three, he took a few steps back.

Horse riding, what you said makes sense!

But they also really want to hug, huh!

"Oh, it's soft, fragrant, and so cute. Is this the cutest cub in the world?" The second child looked at the child in his arms, his heart melted into a puddle of water.

"Yeah~" the little baby cried twice in a milky voice, and shook her little fist.

Yes, never seen such a cute cub! So cute, I really want to hug and kiss her!

The three looked at the second child with cannibalistic eyes, and then looked tenderly at the little baby in his arms. Then he looked fiercely at the second child, and when he lowered his head to look at the baby in his arms, his eyes switched to the tenderness of dripping water in seconds.

The corner of the second child's mouth twitched, don't these Sabi's eyes hurt? Switching so frequently, such a huge gap.

The second child took out a cloak and wrapped the baby carefully.

"This baby is the descendant of that person, right?" The boss stepped forward and looked tenderly at the little baby who was bubbling in the arms of the second brother.

"It should be." The second child nodded.

"No mistake, this eggshell, this sealing technique." The third child turned his head to look at the eggshell, and affirmed.

"It's actually a descendant of that person. That clan is also loyal, and they actually gave away this little cutie." The boss sighed.

"I used to be the proud daughter of heaven, but now I have fallen to this point." The second child looked at the baby in his arms with pity and sighed.

"No, she's not, she's nobody, she's our baby now, she's ours. We raise her!" The fourth child howled. No one can take it away, this is his treasure! The first time he saw her, he felt that this little guy had broken into his heart, and he just stayed there. No one can take it away!

After the words fell, the eldest, second and third looked at the fourth with wide-eyed eyes, and those eyes were terribly piercing.

"What, why?" It was the first time that the fourth child was looked at by three people like this, and he felt a little guilty. If these three join forces to fight him, he really can't beat him. This is not cowardice, it is a fact.

"It's nothing, it's the first time I found out that you were cute too." The second child nodded in satisfaction.

"That's right, it's the first time I found out that you still have brains." The third child also nodded.

"Next time I hit you, I'll be lighter. I'll reward you." The boss's face was full of gratified smiles.

Fuck you, God's reward for stepping on a horse. Of course, the fourth child only dared to curse in his heart.

"Okay, since we have decided to raise a cub, ah no, it's a baby. Then let's think about how to raise it." The boss motioned everyone to sit down and discuss this matter.

"What does she eat?" The third child scratched his head and looked at the dancing baby in the arms of the second child.

"Meat?" The fourth child frowned, and immediately denied the answer, "No, I saw human cubs drinking milk before. Do you have any? I don't anyway." The fourth child spread his hands.

The corners of the mouths of the second child and the third child twitched. Anyway, I don’t have the spirit of riding a horse, but they seem to have the same.

"The descendants of this... that person seem to be in the form of human babies during their infancy. They should also be raised in the same way as human babies?" The boss said with some uncertainty.

"Then how?" The second, third, and fourth all looked at the boss together, "You are the boss, you must have a way."

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