My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1524 This opportunity is once in a lifetime

"It turns out that this mist is formed by the condensed spirits of monsters." Gu Fenghua vaguely guessed what was going on.

It is true that her divine sense cannot be compared with that of Zhong Nantian, who is the majestic third-rank heavenly saint, but don't forget that the reason why her divine sense is so powerful is because of the power of the phoenix.

Phoenix, but the real king of the beasts—the most peak existence among the monsters. At most, Yu Jiao only has half of the blood of the beasts. If it continues from generation to generation, it may not even be half. How can this monster soul mist be so rare? Lost her Phoenix Force?

Gu Fenghua believed that if it wasn't because of the incomplete phoenix power in his body, even one of them could not be fused, it might not even be possible to have that short-term absent-minded situation.

Gu Fenghua was thinking about how to explain to Zhong Nantian, whether he should also tell the whole story about the Phoenix Force, when he spoke again.

"Not to mention so much, no matter whether you rely on the formation technique or divine thoughts, as long as you can advance and retreat freely from this formation technique, the two of us will have a chance to kill Jiao Jiao and eliminate future troubles forever!" Who has no chance to stand out from thousands of saints and become a strong man, and who has no secret?

After Zhong Nantian thought about it, it must be that Gu Fenghua got a great opportunity that he couldn't even imagine, so he could have a stronger divine sense than himself, so he didn't ask the bottom line, and just said it directly.

"What, master, do you really want to do it? No, so many senior masters failed, you can't let Fenghua die!" Luo Enen jumped up again as if his tail had been stepped on.

Zhong Nantian looked at Luo Enen depressedly: You also know that so many senior masters failed to succeed, did you not think that I am stronger than them? If you want to say die, I am not the same as die, why don't you know how to care about me? Alas, the disciple is so unworthy, what a pity for the master!

"Senior Zhong, what exactly do I need to do?" Gu Fenghua knew that Luo Enen was concerned about him, but he still made a gesture with his eyes, telling her to be calm.

Although they had known each other not long ago, she could tell that Zhong Nantian was by no means a reckless person. In fact, at such an advanced age, who is not an old man and becomes a smart man, how could he take risks so easily? He must be somewhat sure about this matter. of.

And she also has her own plans, Jiao Jiao, after all, she is also a divine beast, even if her blood is impure, she can definitely condense a demon pill, which is much stronger than the one condensed by the magic eye wind wolf. As long as she can kill Jiao Jiao and get the demon pill, she may achieve it overnight and completely integrate the two phoenix powers.

You must know that the magic-eyed wind wolf can only be regarded as a seventh-level monster at best, and it is a miracle to condense a demon core. This kind of miracle may be rarely encountered again in a lifetime. Killing monsters above the ninth rank, but such a powerful monster is so easy to find, even if she finds it, she can't kill it without the help of seniors who are strong enough.

Therefore, this opportunity to join forces with Zhong Nantian to deal with Jiao Jiao is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"You just need to enter the Nanli Eight Arrays again, find the eight arrays, and open them." Zhong Nantian said simply and clearly.

"What, you have to go back. Master, don't you see that there are still so many monsters inside? After all, you should let Fenghua die!" Luo Enen yelled again.

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