"Otherwise, what do you say? If things go on like this, it is very likely that the formation will be broken by Jiao Jiao in less than a thousand years. At that time, how should you deal with it? While I am still around, I can be regarded as having some strength, and I happen to have Fenghua to help me." , killing it at this time is the best result." Zhong Nantian said a little angrily. The reason why he wanted to do it now was, on the one hand, for the sake of Nanlizong, but on the other hand, it was also for the sake of Luo Enen.

"Can't you go by yourself? You are so strong, why let Fenghua take the risk." Luo Enen also knew that Master was doing it for her own good, but she still couldn't help muttering.

"You..." Zhongnan blew his beard and stared. Although his strength is strong, his divine sense can't penetrate the fog of Yao Jiao's demon soul. After entering the Nanli Eight Formation Diagram, his eyes are smeared. Passing through the formation, but there are as many as thousands or even thousands of monsters trapped in the formation at this time, and they have no intelligence and fierceness. When the time comes, they will swarm up, even the powerhouses of the third rank of Xuansheng will be gnawed There are no bones left. On the contrary, Gu Fenghua's divine sense is strong, and he can advance and retreat freely in this formation, which is actually less risky than him entering.

Luo Enen only cared about Gu Fenghua's life and death, didn't he think about his master's life and death? This little bastard was really mad at him. Although it is true that his lifespan is not much, this little bastard is really going to piss him off. There is a difference between intimacy and intimacy, if intimacy is like this, I really want to vomit blood.

"Are you my own?" Zhong Nantian was so angry that he began to speak incoherently.

"No, absolutely not." Lonen was stunned for a moment, but soon came back to his senses, and said with certainty, shaking his head like a rattle. She has no interest in the kind of romance that Ye Wuse loves the most, and she doesn't want to have a bizarre and heartbreaking life experience.

"I mean, are you my direct disciple?" Zhong Nantian realized that he was dizzy and said the wrong thing, and said with a blushing face.

Gu Fenghua looked at Zhong Nantian with sympathetic eyes, the dignified elder Nanli Zongtai, a strong man of the third rank of Tiansheng, was so angry by the precious apprentice, that he started to recognize his relatives indiscriminately, and if he continued, he might vomit three liters of blood fell down dead. Therefore, Gu Fenghua simply interrupted their words: "Senior Zhong, what is the use of opening those eight formations?"

"The five elements of heaven and earth, Nanli belongs to fire. The reason why our sect is called Nanli sect is because there is an extremely fierce fire spring hidden under the peak. Now, this fire spring is also sealed under the formation.

As long as you open these eight formations, I can fully activate the formation and break the seal of the fire spring. With the power of the fire spring, I can not only turn these monsters into ashes, but also severely injure Jiao Jiao. With my current strength Cultivation, there is a great chance to kill it. "Zhong Nantian said conceitedly.

In terms of cultivation level, he is indeed not the strongest among the elders of this lineage, but he is the only one who has mastered the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword. In terms of real combat power, even if he is not the strongest among the elders of the past, he is still among the best.

It was only then that Gu Fenghua and the two realized that Nanli's Eight Formation Diagram had other mysteries and hidden such a secret.

"Senior Zhong, how sure are you?" Gu Fenghua asked. Although he has his own plans, since ancient times people eat birds for wealth and are the king of food, Gu Fenghua doesn't want to lose his life because of a momentary greed.

"Ninety percent!" Zhong Nantian thought for a while and replied solemnly.

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