My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1531 Is this still a coincidence?

As soon as the words fell, there was a flash of light in the formation, and then a pure white beam of light rose into the sky, and the aura of the formation also changed accordingly.

"The array point, she found the array point!" Zhongnan exclaimed subconsciously, and then stared at the beam of light in a trance.

"Master, didn't you just say that it would take three to five hours to find the first point?" Luo Enen was also a little surprised, stunned for a while, and tilted his head to look at Master.

Slapped in the face, slapped in the face. Just now I said how it took Gu Fenghua three to five hours to find the first spot, but in the end, it took only nearly a hundred breaths of time, and someone else had already found it. Zhong Nantian's old face was flushed.

"Luck, it must be luck." Zhong Tiannan said while hiding his embarrassment.

As soon as the words fell, another pure white beam of light rose into the sky.

"Found it again!" Zhong Nantian couldn't help but exclaimed again, and then continued to stare at the beam of light in a daze.

"Is it really luck?" After a while, Luo Enen tilted his head again.

"Cough, cough, coincidence, this time it's a coincidence." Zhong Nantian blushed even more.

As soon as the words fell, another pure white beam of light rose into the sky.

Zhong Nantian was too embarrassed to exclaim anymore, and just stared in a daze.

"Master, is it really a coincidence?" Luo Enen tilted his head again uninterested.

"This... probably not, she is indeed quite powerful, but the further you get to the back, the more unpredictable the changes in the pattern, so..." Zhong Nantian said falteringly while covering his burning face.

As soon as the words fell, the white beam of light shot up into the sky again.

"Master, what did you just say?" Lonen asked.

"No, it's nothing." Zhong Nantian felt his cheeks were burning like fire, so he couldn't speak.

"Master, do you still think that my trust in Fenghua is too blind, that I will harm others and myself one day?" Luo Enen really didn't wink, and asked ignorantly.

Zhong Nantian didn't speak, and he had nothing to say. At this moment, the only thing he wanted to do was to dig a hole in the ground and jump down. What a shame, what a shame...

While Zhong Nantian was inexplicably shocked and at the same time ashamed, Gu Fenghua had already approached the depths of the formation step by step.

Surrounded by frantic beast roars, one after another, the muffled bang bang bang bang made by the monsters hitting the stone formation seemed to be right next to him, and Gu Fenghua could even feel the violent vibrations in the air.

With his eyes slightly closed, the entire formation came to mind again, and he could still "see" the skinny, but still rough and powerful figures of monsters. The closest one was even only one foot away from her. Gu Fenghua can be sure that if they find her, she will be torn into pieces within a few breaths at most, and then swallowed to nothing.

However, her expression was still calm and calm, and there was no trace of fear on her face.

The Nanli Eight Formation Diagram was originally arranged by the Suzerain Master for the purpose of banning the yoke. Lost into a frenzied monster?

Don't look at the monsters in all directions, the nearest one is close at hand, with only a few piles of rubble in the middle, but to the monsters, this ordinary pile of stones is no different from a chasm in the sky.

The ground trembled, and dozens of monsters ran wildly around a stone pile, heading towards Gu Fenghua. Suddenly, their feet stopped, and a bloodthirsty red light burst out from their eyes at the same time. Although their wits have been lost, their instincts are still there, their senses of smell and hearing are still keen, and it is easy to catch Gu Fenghua's breath.

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