My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1532 No wonder everyone says don't bully the young and poor

"Roar..." These dozens of monsters roared in unison, and rushed towards Gu Fenghua, and the ground trembled violently with their heavy footsteps.

Gu Fenghua didn't panic, he moved his feet and floated past among the piles of rubble behind him. When the dozens of monsters rushed to where she was before, there was no sign of her in front of her eyes, and even her breath disappeared completely.

The monster's already empty eyes became more dazed and irritable. It crazily slammed into the piles of gravel, without noticing that Gu Fenghua had quietly returned from not far away. The direction of time continues to penetrate into the formation...

One after another, the formations were opened one after another, and beams of pure white light shot up into the sky.

At the entrance of the valley, Jiao Jiao roared up to the sky again. Although it has never been able to break through the formation, after being a divine beast, its wisdom is not weaker than that of humans. After being trapped for thousands of years, it still has some understanding of this formation, and knows that the beams of light that appear one after another are not accidental , also instinctively aware of the danger.

Following this roar, the monsters in the formation became more berserk, slamming into the stone pile with all their strength, even without realizing it, their heads were bleeding, their muscles and bones were broken.

The entire formation seemed to be completely boiling.

"Quick, quick, help me arrange the fine gold and mithril, and prepare to activate the formation!" Zhong Nantian just woke up like a dream, and while hurriedly taking out the fine gold and mithril, he said to Luo Enen anxiously.

Originally thought that it would take Gu Fenghua ten days and a half months to open all the formations at the earliest, but who would have thought that her speed would be so fast, Zhong Nantian has already realized that he has completely underestimated her.

At this speed, she will have opened up all the formation points in a few hours at most. By then, the formation will no longer be able to adjust itself according to the aura of heaven and earth, and the power of the formation will be reduced to a minimum. If he can't open the formation in time to break the seal and release the fire spring, it is very likely that Qiao Jiao will seize the opportunity to break the formation in one fell swoop.

After all, Jiao Jiao has been trapped here for nearly ten thousand years, even if he can't comprehend the formation, he can still tell the strength of the formation, and he will never miss such an opportunity.

"Master, what should I do?" Zhong Nantian was so impatient that his brows could be burned, but Luo Enen was holding a pile of fine gold and mithril in a daze.

Zhong Nantian patted his forehead vigorously, and then he remembered that Luo Enen didn't know anything about the Nanli Eight Formation Diagram.

But this can't blame her. Back then, it took him 19 years to comprehend the eight diagrams of Nanli, and it took only a few days for Lonen to enter the formation. Research, how much insight can you have?

If you really want to blame, you should also blame yourself. I thought that Gu Fenghua would not open the array so quickly, he still had time to prepare, who would have thought that she would be so fast, if he had known this earlier, why was he in a daze just now?

Alas, no wonder everyone said that Mo bullied the young and poor, I really shouldn't underestimate her! At this time, Zhong Nantian was so regretful that he wanted to hit the wall.

"I'll draw the formation first, and you lay down the fine gold and mithril as I wrote. Remember, there can be no mistakes in the position and weight." Seeing another beam of light lit up, Zhong Nantian had no time to regret it. Start drawing the matrix.

It is not so easy to fully open the formation, break the seal and release the fire spring, and the formation diagram is also extremely cumbersome and complicated. Originally, Zhong Nantian didn't want to entrust such an important matter to Luo Enen - he really didn't have enough confidence in her, but now that time is running out, it is impossible for him to complete it alone, so he can only ask her for help.

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