"Om!" The master and apprentice stopped their hands almost at the same time, and there was a vast humming sound from the huge Nanli Eight Formation.

"Nanli, Tianfen!" Zhong Nantian made a handprint.

"Boom!" The ground trembled violently, cracks appeared, and magma spewed out from the cracks, falling down with extremely high temperature, like a shower of meteors and fire.

What fire spring, isn't this a volcanic eruption? It turned out that the so-called fire spring sealed by the founder of Nanli Sect was a volcano.

However, this volcano is somewhat different from what Gu Fenghua has known. It is not so majestic. Once it erupts, everything within a radius of a hundred miles will be wiped out. In contrast, the volcano sealed under Nanlizong is much smaller, like a series of magma fountains, but the extremely high temperature contained in it is even worse, and it seems to be vaguely With a bit of aura.

Gu Fenghua didn't dare to be careless, and quickly played the fire-avoiding seal learned from that formation. Before, she was still wondering why there was a fire-avoiding seal in such a good lineup, but now she knows the reason.

A stream of magma and fire springs poured down towards Gu Fenghua. The stone pile beside him melted rapidly under the high temperature, and even gasified.

You know, no matter the former Lornen, or the monster beast at this time, or even the legendary beast like Jiao Jiao, they are all helpless with this seemingly ordinary pile of stones, and now they are so easily melted and gasified. It was only then that Gu Fenghua realized how terrifying the high temperature of the fire spring was, and subconsciously stepped aside, but the meteor fire rain followed as if it had spirituality.

Gu Fenghua was caught off guard, he didn't even have time to hide, he could only watch helplessly as the rain of fire poured down, enveloping himself in it.

"Fenghua!" In the distance, Loenen, who saw this scene, exclaimed, and rushed towards Gu Fenghua recklessly.

"Don't worry, she's fine!" Zhong Nantian grabbed her with quick eyes and quick hands.

Sure enough, at the moment when the meteor and fire rain enveloped Gu Fenghua, a water-blue light appeared outside her body, like a translucent mask, completely protecting her.

The meteor and fire rain fell heavily, gathered into a spring again, and flowed down the translucent water-blue mask. Gu Fenghua was unscathed in it, and his complexion didn't even change at all, as if he didn't feel well at all. At half o'clock the fiery heat of the fire spring.

Only then was Lornen relieved, heaved a long sigh of relief, and stopped.

Gu Fenghua has the protection of the fire seal, and he is completely unafraid of the power of the fire spring. The monsters trapped in the formation obviously do not have such good luck. A shower of meteors and fire fell from the sky and landed on top of their heads, followed by shrill screams.

In just a moment, nearly half of the monsters were reduced to ashes. Although the other half did not die immediately, if they still had some wits, they would never feel lucky. Under the extremely high temperature, they burned like fireballs, screaming in pain. The excruciating pain from the burning flames even made them unable to run away. They screamed, twitched, shrank little by little in the flames, and finally turned into coke in pain.

The monsters that were lucky enough not to be hit by the meteor fire rain began to run away in panic. Even though they had completely lost their sanity, at this moment, they instinctively felt the coming danger and the threat of death. It's a pity that they are destined to be unable to escape, and the meteor shower follows them as if they had eyes, and rains down on them overwhelmingly.

The entire Nanli Eight Formation Map has become a Shura hell!

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