My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1535 Just want to destroy everything in the world

Although he knew very well in his heart that these monsters had already lost all their minds, if they were allowed to break through the formation and rush into the Nanli Sect, many disciples would be slaughtered, but seeing the miserable death of the monsters, Gu Fenghua still shuddered , I can't even bear to watch it anymore.

At this moment, a high-pitched roar of a beast came into the ears, as if a thunderstorm sounded in the mind, making people's mind so excited that their heart almost burst out of their mouths.

In an instant, Gu Fenghua felt her mind was in turmoil, a kind of anger that she had never felt before filled her mind, and after that, a strong killing intent also gushed out from her body. Her hand unconsciously held the hilt of the sword. At this moment, she just wanted to kill all living things in the world and destroy everything in the world.

She didn't know where such anger and killing intent came from, and she didn't have the time to think about it. She just concentrated on her divine thoughts and wanted to suppress them, but she couldn't do anything. The anger and killing intent were too strong, as if they wanted to completely devour her, make her lose her mind, and completely fall into the desire to kill and destroy.

In just a moment, her face turned pale, and her eyes became hollow, even like those monsters before, full of bloodlust!

No, you can't do this, you have to wake up immediately! Although she has tried her best to remind herself constantly, her heart is still sinking, sinking!

Suddenly, a clear and joyful cry sounded in my mind, and the graceful and holy figure of the phoenix divine bird appeared in my mind again.

The familiar warm current poured into her heart, like a clear spring, washing her heart and clearing away the strong anger and killing intent.

Gu Fenghua's mood instantly returned to calm. He raised his head abruptly, only to find that the 茰貐 had left the valley and rushed into the formation! Its eyes filled with anger actually emitted a dazzling purple awn, like two pure purple gemstones.

Thinking back to the loss of mind just now, Gu Fenghua felt lingering fear.

She can be sure that the reason why she lost her mind must have something to do with Jiao Jiao. Han Yangshu and Fang Yunan's minds lost their minds in the two arguments, which should be the reason. As for those monsters that have been reduced to ashes under the meteor fire rain, Needless to say.

However, I have never heard that Jiao Jiao has this kind of magical power to control the mind, and this magical power is still so powerful, it is obviously trapped in the Nanli Eight Formation Map, and it can also affect people who are in Nanli. Zong's Han Yangshu and Fang Yunan.

Looking at Jiao Jiao's eyes that looked like purple gems, Gu Fenghua's heart suddenly moved, and he remembered the moire lynx he met in the Zichen Hall of Xinghua Hall, which was obviously just the bottom of the carnivorous monsters. Being controlled by that Mieshi Zichen, she became extremely powerful. She, Fatty Bai, Ye Wuse, and Luo Enen couldn't deal with it together. In the end, she escaped by relying on the sudden burst of phoenix power.

This scorpion's purple eyes are like precious stones, and it is probably also affected by Mieshi Zichen that it possesses such a terrifying monster supernatural power!

There are thousands of turns in my heart, but in fact, it is just a moment of thought. At the same time that Gu Fenghua was trying to understand all this, Xiao Jiao had already risen into the air, jumped over the piles of stones and rushed towards her.

Although the power of the formation was greatly reduced with the opening of the eight formations, Gu Fenghua asked himself that with his current strength, even if he tried his best, it was impossible to break through the air-forbidden power of the formation. To the end, it seems that it is not affected at all, and the strength can be imagined.

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