My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1541 A strange light flashed in his eyes

"Do you think you can survive this way?" Qiao Qiao approached them again, and said with a ferocious face, there was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, as if he was looking at some dead people.

Although its steps are a bit vain, every step it takes seems to be stepping on the hearts of Gu Fenghua and the others. They could clearly see that the blood flowing out of the wounds on Jiao Jiao's body was significantly slower, and even the edges showed some signs of healing.

No matter how miscellaneous and impure the blood of the divine beast is, even less than half of it, the 茰貐 is still one of the top and most powerful monsters. Its tenacious vitality and fast self-healing speed far surpass other monsters. Monster beasts, even many monster beasts on the same level as it, can't compare with it.

"Do it!" Gu Fenghua and Zhong Nantian shouted in unison.

Seeing Jiao's terrifying vitality and self-healing power, they knew that the longer the delay, the worse it would be for their own side. Only by making a quick decision could they win a chance.

Three long swords were slashed out at the same time, and five afterimage clones also suddenly appeared, two of which belonged to Luo Enen, and three belonged to Zhong Nantian. Relying on Gu Fenghua's healing elixir, he finally regained some strength.

On the opposite side, a strange light flashed in Jiao Jiao's eyes, she seemed a little surprised, but she didn't retreat, but jumped high, with four claws flying down at the same time.

Amidst the loud noise, the sword light and thunder light collided violently with the sharp beast claw again.

With a muffled roar, Jiao Jiao's mighty and vigorous body was sent flying three feet away, and Gu Fenghua and the others also staggered back again and again, and they retreated almost three feet away before stabilizing their figure.

This time, the fight was finally evenly divided, and they were not completely at a disadvantage like before.

Without a moment's pause, as soon as he stabilized his figure, Gu Fenghua took out the holy pill and handed it to Zhong Nantian and Luo Enen. After taking the holy pill, several people immediately attacked again.

One sword, two swords, three swords... The swords in the sky are like a rainbow, and the thunder is blooming. In a short time, several people have struck out nearly a hundred swords.

Under their joint attack, Jiao Jiao retreated step by step, with more than a dozen wounds on his body. Because their attack was too fierce and fast, it didn't even have a chance to use the magical power of the monster again.

It seemed that Gu Fenghua and the others had completely gained the upper hand, but their expressions were not at all relaxed, but became more dignified. They all knew that the reason why this round of onslaught gained the upper hand was entirely supported by Gu Fenghua's healing elixir.

But no matter how good the holy pill is, it is impossible to replenish the holy energy without limit. If they take it continuously, the recovery speed of their holy energy will become slower and slower, and they can no longer keep up with the consumption speed of the holy energy. In fact, their offensive has begun to gradually weaken.

Of course, even if you can continuously replenish the holy energy by taking the holy pill, the holy pill in Gu Fenghua's body is not endless, and sooner or later it will be exhausted.

But Jiao is different from them, it is completely relying on the blood of the divine beast to heal itself, as long as it is allowed to recover, the recovery speed is not comparable to them.

"No, we can't procrastinate any longer. Since Jiao Jiao's injuries are getting worse and our strength hasn't dropped too much, we must kill him as soon as possible." Gu Fenghua said with another sword strike.

"Yes, we must do our best, otherwise we will definitely die in the end." Zhong Nantian nodded. Of course, he knows this better than playing against Jiao Jiao. Don't forget, he also had the upper hand like this before, but just a little careless, he was fatally counterattacked by Jiao Jiao. If it wasn't for Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen's rescue, he would have died long ago.

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