Lornen didn't speak, but nodded heavily. After all, she has experienced life tests countless times, and her actual combat experience is far better than that of a holy master at the same level, and she also knows the crisis at this time.

Taking a deep breath, several people raised their long swords at the same time.

"One sword, weeping ghosts and gods!"

"Nine days, Phantom Thunder!"

Several sword beams swept across the sky, as if splitting the sky and smashing the earth, and the huge thunder roared, as if it was about to destroy everything in the world. Seven afterimage clones also appeared at the same time.

Victory or defeat, in one move, life and death, only one sword!

This time, regardless of Gu Fenghua, Zhong Nantian, or Luo Enen, they poured all the holy energy and all the mind into the sword posture. Luo Enen even barely touched the third level of the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword, and transformed into the third level. Dao afterimage clone, and Zhong Nantian's combat strength also recovered a lot, and also transformed into a seventh afterimage clone.

Everyone knew that after this sword strike, they might not even have the strength to hold a sword anymore, but no hesitation could be seen on everyone's face. The decision of life and death must be decisive, any hesitation will make them fail and lose their lives!

A look of fear finally appeared in Jiao Jiao's eyes. Even with a physique as strong as it, it couldn't resist the sword even after repeated serious injuries. However, after repeated hard battles, it had no way to retreat, so it could only stand upright again and swing its claws.

"Crack!" Jiao's sharp claws were cut off from it, and the sword light remained undiminished. A half-foot-deep wound was cut on its forehead, blood gushed into the sky like a fountain, and several thunderstorms followed When it fell, a blood hole the size of a sea bowl appeared on its chest, and even its internal organs were faintly visible.

"I got it!" Zhong Nantian was ecstatic.

I thought I would die this time, but who knew that with the help of Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, they actually killed Jiao Jiao! It has been ten thousand years, nearly ten thousand years, the long-cherished wish of the suzerain and the ancestors of the past generations has finally come true, and I have finally eliminated this serious trouble for the Nanli sect!

Under extreme surprise, Zhong Nantian burst into tears.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen also looked happy. The former, of course, was because of the demon pill, while the latter...well, Miss Luo didn't think too much about it. Anyway, if she could kill Jiao Jiao, no one would die, and she could save her. She will be happy when she returns to Master. Of course, this reason is enough.

It's a pity that the few people were not happy for too long. At the moment when Qiao Jiao fell down, a mysterious force gushed out from the wound. This force is so tyrannical, as if it came from ancient times!

The last sword has used up all the holy energy of several people, and even exploded their full potential, how can they bear such arbitrarily powerful force?

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood mist was sprayed out at the same time, and several people were blown out again.

"The power of the beast!" After falling heavily to the ground, Gu Fenghua struggled to stand up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said bitterly.

The power that erupted from Jiao Jiao's body gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and she could be sure that this power also came from ancient mythical beasts.

Although the power of this divine beast is actually extremely thin, far from being able to compare with her phoenix power, but don't forget that, as a divine beast, it is naturally more compatible with the power of this divine beast, and it is more handy to use. And although she also has the power of a beast, it can only be used for alchemy at present, and even for refining weapons. As for attacking and defending, it depends entirely on luck.

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