My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1543 Still Maintaining Optimism

"I didn't expect it to have the power of a beast!" Zhong Nantian shook his head and said with a wry smile, his eyes were full of despair. He thought he would finally be able to kill Jiao Jiao, but at the last moment his success fell short, so one can imagine his mood.

"Don't worry, maybe it's already dead," Lonen said. Sure enough, it was Miss Luo who had been tricked since she was a child, but was still alive and kicking and living an exceptionally wonderful life. Even in such a desperate situation, she still remained optimistic.

But unfortunately, the reality is never as full as the wish, and it is much more skinny. As soon as Huo Enen finished speaking, he saw Jiao Jiao standing up tremblingly, her two front paws had already stopped bleeding on their own, and the wound was wriggling strangely, and it healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Apparently, the power of the divine beast finally erupted, and its self-healing speed doubled.

"Lonen, you guys go!" Seeing this, Zhong Tiannan's last hope was completely shattered, he stood up with difficulty with his sword on the ground, and then made a handprint with his trembling fingers.

"Master, what are you going to do?" Luo Enen's expression changed. She had seen such handprints in the Zichen Palace before. Those ancient strong men used such handprints to explode their souls and blood, and at the cost of their lives, their combat power was temporarily raised to the extreme, thus competing with Mie Shi Zi Dust to contend with.

"Enen, Master's lifespan is approaching, and he won't live long anyway, and he is worthy of his ancestors' trust if he dies here. But you must not die, go back to the Nanlizong immediately, let all the disciples leave quickly, and find a suitable place to establish the sect. Pass on my Nanli sect." Seeing Luo Enen's anxious expression, Zhong Nantian knew that she had seen the purpose of this handprint, and did not hide it.

Although he was ready to explode his blood, spirit, and soul, he knew very well that he had been injured too badly before. At this time, not only was his holy energy exhausted, but his potential had already been fully stimulated. Even if he risked his life, it would be very difficult It's hard to kill Jiao Jiao.

The only thing he can do is to protect Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua to leave, and send a message to Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian to let them take people away sooner or later. Only in this way can Nanlizong be preserved.

As for the newly-built Nanli Sect, it will be directly reduced from a middle-grade sect to a small sect that is not in the mainstream, and I don't know how many years it will take to recover to its current status, so it is out of his control.

"Senior Zhong, do you think we can leave?" Gu Fenghua said suddenly.

Zhong Nantian was slightly taken aback, and only then did he think about it. Although all eight formations had been opened, and the power of the Nanli eight formations had weakened to the extreme, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen's holy energy was exhausted at this time. It is impossible to open the transmission channel at all. If he blew himself up, it would be hard to say whether he could kill Jiao Jiao, but Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen would definitely bear the brunt of it, and there would be no scum left.

"Forget it, forget it, the three of us, let's bury our bones here together." Zhong Nantian said dejectedly, putting away the fingerprints. No matter what, he couldn't let Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua die in his hands.

"No, we won't die, Fenghua, you must still have a way, right?" Lonen looked at Gu Fenghua with confidence. From the first day they knew Gu Fenghua to now, they didn't know how many trials and dangers they had gone through together. As long as Gu Fenghua was there, they would be able to escape safely every time. She believed that this time would be no exception.

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