My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1552 Is it too late for you to hold Buddha's feet temporarily?

Although the legends are mostly exaggerated, according to historical records, in ancient times, there really was a son of the royal family who became a generation of wise men because of obtaining the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood.

Although the end of this wise man was not very good, he was trapped by an adulterer, and died by the tyrant at that time, but the mystery of the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood has since been known to the world.

Of course, these are off topic.

In short, regardless of legends or historical records, the most mysterious part of the Jiuqiao Lingxin Wood is that it can open up spiritual wisdom and condense the mind. Although it can also condense the aura of heaven and earth, the aura of the demon plant itself should never be so violent, at least not Violent to the point.

"Not good!" Zhong Nantian took a closer look, and suddenly screamed again... Oh no, it was a scream.

"What's the matter, master, don't be so startled, I'm about to be scared by you..." Luo Enen was startled, thinking that there was some danger, she subconsciously grabbed the hilt of the sword again, but Soon, it was discovered that the master was just staring at the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Tree, and there was no danger, so he let go of the hilt of the sword and complained.

But before she finished her complaints, her expression also changed.

In just a moment, the slender needles of the Jiuqiao Lingxin Wood withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, the emerald green color also withered quickly, and the vigorous branches continued to wither, like petrification.

"Although the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood is protected by a seal, it still can't completely resist the blood of the beast. It has been absorbing the spiritual power of the demon plant for ten thousand years. It has reached the time when the oil is exhausted. Just now, the spiritual power of the demon plant suddenly The eruption is like the last moment of our humanity's return to light." This time, Zhong Nantian took the initiative to speak without waiting for Luo Enen to ask.

While speaking, he took out an old booklet, flipped through it quickly, and imprinted his fingerprints impatiently.

"Master, what are you doing again?" Luo Enen leaned up to take a look, and it turned out that there was a set of handprints drawn on the booklet, and Zhong Nantian was following the same pattern.

"This Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Tree is definitely not going to survive. Fortunately, the essence of Yaozhi's aura is still there. With the Nine-Aperture Life Seal, there is hope to stimulate the life source of the Yaozhi to produce spiritual seeds. In the past, the Nanli Sect This is how to cultivate the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood." Zhong Nantian explained.

"So that's the case, but if you're cramming like this, can you make it in time?" Lonen asked suspiciously.

Even a blind person can see that Zhong Nantian's handprints are extremely jerky, obviously he has never practiced before, it is completely cramming.

Gu Fenghua glanced at Zhong Nantian, feeling the same suspicion in his heart. What even Lorne could see, how could she not see it.

"It's better than watching it wither and die." Zhong Nantian said regretfully.

The Nine-Aperture Lingxin Mu Nai is the third top demon tree among the eight demon trees. Generally speaking, its lifespan is as long as 50,000 years, or even longer.

And as far as he knows, this Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Tree has only grown for less than 20,000 years. According to human beings, it is only in the prime of life. Who would have thought that it would be on the verge of dying so soon, so he I never thought about using the Nine-Aperture Vitality Seal at all, and never practiced it at all.

After all, I still underestimated Jiao Jiao! Zhong Nantian was so regretful that his intestines were almost green, and the speed of making fingerprints became faster and faster, and became more and more urgent.

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