My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1553 Too anxious to forget her

All of a sudden, Zhong Nantian's half-printed hands froze in the air, spouting a mouthful of blood, and the Jiuqiao Spiritual Heart Wood shook suddenly, and the speed of withering was even faster.

Obviously, something went wrong with his handprints. Not only did it fail to stimulate the life source of the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood to produce spiritual seeds, but it made it die faster!

Zhong Nantian's face turned pale: Whether the descendants of the Nanli Sect can learn the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword, and whether the sect can rise again, all hope is placed on this Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood. Li Zong's biggest sinner!

Taking a breath, Zhong Nantian concentrated his mind and made another handprint. It's a pity, as the saying goes, caring leads to chaos. He was just cramming, but now he is full of worries, how could he succeed?

This time, after only making less than half of the handprints, he spurted out another mouthful of blood, and the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Tree withered a little faster.

Failed again, Zhong Nantian was even more anxious, and made another handprint without stopping for a moment.

But the more flustered he became, the more jerky and chaotic the handprints became. Zhong Nantian's face was like gold paper, and his forehead was dripping with sweat, but blood spurted out of his mouth again and again, even staining the clothes on his chest. It was bright red, and the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Tree was dying, and the spirit energy of the demon plant erupted like a reflection of the light was getting weaker and weaker.

Finally, after making a few more handprints, Zhong Nantian vomited blood and fell on his back!

"Master!" Luo Enen strode forward to support him, and at the same time fed several holy pills into his mouth.

As the alchemy flowed, Zhong Nantian's haggard face regained a tinge of blood, and he wanted to continue making fingerprints, but his fingers trembled violently, but he couldn't make a single stroke.

It's over, it's over, from now on, Nanli Sect will never have a chance to rise again! There was despair in his eyes.

"Senior Zhong, let me figure out a way." At this moment, Gu Fenghua stepped forward and said.

Zhong Nantian was startled for a moment, and then his eyes showed joy. He was too anxious just now, so he forgot about Gu Fenghua.

Previously, Gu Fenghua comprehended the Nanli Eight Formation Diagram and opened the eight formation points. The speed was completely beyond his expectation, and he was even caught off guard. big event.

Of course, there is no need to doubt Gu Fenghua's talent and comprehension. Even the profound and mysterious diagram of Nanli's eight formations is not difficult for her. Isn't it a matter of course to comprehend the nine orifices vitality seal?

Zhong Nantian picked up the seal formula on the ground with the fastest speed, and was about to hand it to Gu Fenghua, but suddenly his expression darkened, and regret appeared in his eyes again.

The vitality of the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood is getting weaker and weaker. Judging from the situation, it must be impossible for even half an hour to last. No matter how talented Gu Fenghua is, his understanding is too good, it is impossible to learn the Nine-Aperture in such a short time. Seal of vitality and print them out one by one.

"Why didn't you think of her earlier, wasting so much time in vain, the only chance of the Nanli Sect was ruined in my hands like this..." Zhong Nantian gripped his beard tightly, regretting so much that he wished he could just hit his head to death .

"It's not me." Gu Fenghua didn't know what Zhong Nantian was thinking, he shook his head when he saw him handing over the imprint formula.

not you Zhong Nantian gave Gu Fenghua a strange look, there were only three of them present, if it wasn't Gu Fenghua, could it be Lorne? If Gu Fenghua makes a move, there is still a slight chance, Lonen makes a move? It's better to let him squirt blood and squirt to death.

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