Soon, Zhong Nantian found the answer. The extremely ferocious and extremely violent Yaozhi appeared in front of him again. The vines rose high, drawing an extremely ferocious arc (in fact, this arc is agile and full of beauty) , but to Zhong Nantian at this time, everything about this demon plant was full of ferocity), and he slammed towards Jiuqiao Lingxinmu.

Whipping corpses, and whipping corpses, but the Jiuqiao Lingxinmu has no grievances or enmities with it, why does it whip its corpses? Sure enough, the ferocity has reached the extreme, and it has become indistinguishable from the enemy. Zhong Nantian's lips trembled, and the last hope in his heart was completely shattered.

Gu Fenghua was also taken aback. The reason why she took the initiative to speak was because Jianjian muttered disdainfully in her mind: "This old man is so weak that he can't handle such a trivial matter. If I want to change, I would have done it long ago." .”

It was precisely because of his unreserved trust in Jianjian that Gu Fenghua took over this matter, but who knew that as soon as this guy showed up, he started to "whip the corpse" again.

Seeing Jianjian's actions, Gu Fenghua was stunned. Although she believed that Jianjian had a solution, this action was too misleading.

Zhong Nantian was even more anxious and angry, and wanted to stop him, but it was a pity that Jianjian's actions were too fast and unexpected, and it was too late for him to stop him.

"Bah!" The vine, which was made of fine steel but extremely flexible, lashed at Jiuqiao Lingxinmu's body. Its power was even stronger than that of the corpse when it was whipped. They all pierced deeply into the vigorous trunk of the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood.

Is it necessary to make so much effort? Even if you become addicted to whipping corpses, you still have to distinguish between the enemy and yourself, and you also have to care about other people's feelings. Didn't you see Master, the old man's mouth is going to twitch? This time, even Lonen couldn't stand it anymore.

While patting Master on the back to comfort him, Luo Enen blinked desperately and winked at Jianjian. Suddenly, Lonen's eyes, which were almost cramp from blinking, widened suddenly, and his mouth slowly opened, unable to close it anymore.

Jianjian pierced deeply into the vigorous tree trunk with needles all over her body, and green halos flickered and flowed on its body, following the needles into the veins of the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood.

Just in the blink of an eye, the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood released a mysterious halo, and the withered and yellow leaves turned emerald green again, looking so vibrant.

Two flower buds appeared on the emerald green branches, blooming golden flowers visible to the naked eye, and then withering quickly, a ball of golden light appeared in the center of the stamen, in which two seeds were vaguely wrapped.

For a long-lived demon plant like the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood, it would take thousands of years to bloom and breed normally, but at this moment, it only took less than half an hour to complete its life. inheritance.

Zhong Nantian was ashamed. He finally realized that he had wrongly blamed Gu Fenghua's Yaozhi. It turned out that it was not whipping corpses, but stimulating the life source of the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood, prompting it to produce spiritual seeds.

Compared to Zhong Nantian's shame, Gu Fenghua was more surprised.

She could feel that the source of life that Qijian stimulated the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood this time was completely different from whipping corpses before. It was pure violence before, but this time, it was a soft and full of vitality. The spiritual energy is injected into the veins of the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood to help it temporarily recover its vitality, and finally a spiritual seed is produced.

But, when did you have this ability?

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