My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1555 Bigger surprises are yet to come

Gu Fenghua remembers very clearly that in the past, the cheapness was great, but Yaozhi's spiritual power was nothing extraordinary, and he didn't have such ability.

You must know that the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood is the third-ranked top demon plant among the eight demon trees, and its vitality is not so easy to recover.

It's easy for Gu Fenghua to think of the power of the beast in Jiao Jiao. Obviously, after getting the power of the beast, Jianjian has grown a lot, and has a new supernatural power of demon planting.

That's the case for Jianjian, so how about Hei Yao and Ju Ju, who also got the power of the ancient beasts, what kind of changes will they have? Gu Fenghua condensed his spiritual thoughts, and went to explore the demon pet space, but saw two little guys surrounded by a hazy mist, sleeping soundly, and there was no change for a while.

Gu Fenghua was not disappointed because of this, the hazy mist was so elegant, full of aura, and full of boundless meaning, it was the power of that divine beast. Gu Fenghua believes that when the two little guys wake up from their deep sleep, they will definitely bring him a great surprise!

"Hurry up, hurry up and take advantage of this opportunity to practice!" Zhong Nantian's eager voice interrupted Gu Fenghua's thoughts.

Withdrawing his mind and looking at it, he saw the golden light on Jiuqiao Lingxinmu's body condensed into a thread, quickly injected into the spirit seed, and the two seeds also matured at an astonishing speed. At the same time, a mysterious rhythm surged between the heaven and the earth, and spiritual energy gathered from all directions.

Gu Fenghua looked at this scene happily, and then he remembered that when a top demon plant like Jiuqiao Spiritual Heart Tree, when its life inheritance bears spiritual seeds, it has the opportunity to gather the most pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and at the same time attract the world The Dao is a great opportunity for a saint, and the benefits are even as good as the Sacred Heart of Heaven and Man.

Sure enough, wealth and wealth are sought in the midst of danger. Killing Jiao Jiao has actually brought me such a great opportunity! Gu Fenghua didn't hesitate, and quickly threw himself into the practice.

The incomparably pure aura poured into her meridians like a tide, and her holy qi began to operate on its own without even using exercises, and her strength also increased accordingly.

However, this is not the most gratifying thing for her. What makes her most gratifying is that with the fluctuation of the rhythm of the Dao Dao that day, the piece of demon pill obtained from Jiao Jiao shattered by itself, and the power of the demon spirit in it also poured into it. In her meridians.

Those two phoenix powers that she had exhausted her mind, tried every means, and put in countless efforts could not be integrated, and they also blended quietly like water and milk.

It seems that this time, she can finally fully integrate the power of the Phoenix! After a lot of difficulty, Gu Fenghua suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, collected his mind and concentrated on cultivation.

At this time, she didn't know that a bigger surprise was still waiting for her.

While Gu Fenghua and the others were cultivating wholeheartedly, in Qingxi Valley, hundreds of Nanli Sect disciples gathered outside the house to discuss and discuss, their faces were full of worry.

"It's been so many days, even if it's retreat, it's time to come out, why haven't I seen Master Luo and Master Gu?" Yu Le'er said suspiciously.

On the second day after Gu Fenghua Luo Enen opened the scroll and entered the Nanli Eight Arrays, the disciples of Nanli Sect came to Qingxi Valley as usual, ready to listen to the little master's explanation of the holy sword technique, but After waiting for a long time, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen did not come out.

At the beginning, they guessed that the two of them had an occasional feeling and began to retreat and practice, so they could only wait patiently, but after waiting for so many days, they still did not see any sign of the two of them. stand up.

"Is there any accident?" Zhou Siqin said worriedly.

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