My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1556 The status in their hearts is already very high

Compared with other disciples, they were more favored by Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, so they were more worried.

"Impossible, with the strength of Gu Shishu and Luo Shishu's cultivation base, and Gu Shishu's alchemy, there shouldn't be any accidents." Yu Le'er said. She is the youngest, has the purest mind, and has the most blind admiration for Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen.

"It's hard to say. Although Uncle Gu and Uncle Luo are extraordinary in strength and talent, even those who are in the Heavenly Sacred Realm may go mad when they practice, let alone them?" In contrast , Zhou Siqin is much more rational.

Because Luo Enen's seniority is a generation higher than theirs, and Gu Fenghua and Gu Fenghua are like sisters, they have gradually become respectful in addressing Gu Fenghua, at least in front of outsiders, they can no longer call him by his first name .

"No, we have to go in and have a look." Hearing what he said, Yu Le'er was no longer so optimistic.

"Can you go in?" Zhou Siqin smiled wryly.

The entire courtyard is firmly protected by the enchantment restriction, how can they get in just by saying it?

"Aren't there so many senior brothers? Let's do it together. If you don't believe it, you won't be able to break this barrier." Yu Leer looked around at the other disciples, and was about to call for someone.

"Le'er, don't be reckless!" Han Yangshu called Yu Le'er with a soft drink, and said cautiously, "If Gu Shishu and Luo Shishu really went wrong in their cultivation, we will only disturb them if we forcefully break the barrier. If the time comes, not only will they not be able to help them, but they will even harm them. And even if something goes wrong, it is unlikely that two people will go wrong at the same time. There must be other reasons for their delay. If we act rashly, we may help Not busy."

"Then what should we do, should we keep waiting like this?" Yu Le'er said in confusion.

Han Yangshu remained silent. He didn't know how to answer this question.

In fact, his heart was also full of contradictions. He was worried about what might happen to Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, but he didn't dare to act recklessly. After all, they knew the strength of Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen best. What happened, they couldn't help.

Forcibly breaking the enchantment might even harm them. What's more, they may not be able to break the barrier. If the barrier fails to open, but disturbs the two people who are practicing, it will be more than success than failure.

"Everyone is not practicing well, what are you doing here?" At this time, the two elders, Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian, walked over with their hands behind their backs.

"Disciple pays homage to the two elders." All the disciples saluted one after another.

"It's such a great opportunity to be accepted by my Nanli sect! You don't know how to cherish it, and you wander around all day long without doing your job. You waste your time like this, ask yourself, you are worthy of our painstaking teachings, and you are worthy of what the suzerain lord treated you when he was alive. Do you love it?" Qiu Qianjian reprimanded with a straight face and heartbroken.

"Report to the two elders that Uncle Luo will not be able to retreat these days. We are worried that something will happen to her, so we came here to take a look." A disciple panicked and quickly explained.

"Pfft..." Hearing the words "her old man", the swing sword almost spit out.

However, this also just shows that Luo Enen has a very high status in the minds of these disciples, and seems to be on par with the two elders.

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