Qiu Qianjian secretly rejoiced: Fortunately, he and Chang Wanfa handed over the eight diagrams of Nanli to Luo Enen in time, otherwise, if she continued to toss about, it wouldn't be long before the disciples of the sect would only know that there was Luo Enen, not I know there are elders of their two schools of swordsmanship.

"You don't have to worry, Junior Sister Luo is just practicing in seclusion. Once the elders of her line are in seclusion for several years, you must have heard of it." Chang Wanfa was also shocked by "her old man" for a while Only then did he stabilize his mind and explained.

"But Master Luo just came back not long ago, why did he start retreating?" A disciple asked suspiciously.

The elders of Luo Enen's line have always had the tradition of retreating for several years or even ten years. This matter is not a secret in Nanli Sect. Many people have heard of it. Elders often wait until their strength is close to that of a heavenly sage before going into seclusion. Luo Enen's cultivation is obviously far behind, so why did he start to retreat?

"I believe everyone has seen your uncle Luo's strength with your own eyes. His talent can be said to be once in ten thousand years. Even her ancestors in the past dynasties can't compare with it. What's the fuss about retreating early." Of course Chang Wanfa knew What are they wondering about, they said disapprovingly.

These words sounded a little too much for other people's aspirations to destroy his own prestige, but in order to give everyone a reasonable explanation, he couldn't care less. Fortunately, Lonen didn't know how long she would have to wait to come out, so it didn't matter if she gave her some prestige for the time being.

"Okay, okay, let's leave. The first day of next month will be the selection period for inner disciples. Go back and practice hard. Don't miss this opportunity." After finishing speaking, the disciples were not given a chance to speak again. Wanfa continued to speak.

Hearing these words, all the outer disciples present were refreshed.

Once you become an inner disciple, no matter the cultivation resources, cultivation techniques, or sword skills, you are more than a step above the outer disciples, and you can also get personal guidance from the elders. If the suzerain is still alive, you can even Received the teaching of the Sovereign Master, it can be said that he will rise to the sky in one step, and his future achievements will be far beyond the comparison of the disciples of the outer sect.

From outer disciples to inner disciples is also their greatest wish in life.

However, Nanli Sect is extremely strict on the selection of inner disciples. It only happens once every ten years. Only the best disciples from the outer sect have the chance to be selected into the inner sect. If the general performance is not good, even the best among them may not be able to become inner disciples.

It is also for this reason that the selection once every ten years is even more important for foreign disciples. If you miss this time, you will have to wait another ten years.

"Elder Chang, I seem to remember that the selection period will only come next year, why is it earlier?" Aside from being excited, someone asked in confusion.

The others also looked at the two elders at the same time. As outer disciples, the selection of inner disciples is their top priority. Naturally, they will not forget the time. Everyone remembers clearly that the selection of inner disciples should be It will be held next year, why is it suddenly brought forward?

"If you have that aptitude and strength, what's the matter a year earlier? Anyone who should become an inner sect disciple can also become an inner sect disciple. If you don't have the aptitude and strength, what if I give you another ten or a hundred years? "Chang Wanfa glared at the disciple and said displeasedly.

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