My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1565 Are you going to break up with me because of her?

She had already discussed this matter with Chang Wanfa, so of course he would not refuse.

After all, Chang Yingrong was going to take a few people to Shengfa Peak.

"Siqin, Le'er, you two go first." Han Yangshu said suddenly.

"Junior Brother Han, aren't you going?" Chang Yingrong was slightly taken aback. She did all this for Han Yangshu, Zhou Siqin and Yu Leer were incidentals, if Han Yangshu didn't go, wouldn't she be wasting her time?

"I always feel that Gu Shishu and Luo Shishu may not be closed for such a long time, and they may come out soon. I want to wait a few more days, and I can help if there is any accident at that time." Han Yangshu Said.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen's sudden retreat, and the two elders Chang Qiu's sudden selection of inner sect disciples ahead of schedule, he always felt that something was wrong with these two things, maybe Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen's sudden retreat was the reason related to these two elders.

Although he knew Gu Fenghua's strength best, and believed that her future achievements would be limitless, even far beyond their imagination, but if the two elders did something wrong, there might still be some accidents, He was really worried about leaving at this time.

"Are you waiting for Gu Fenghua?" The smile on Chang Yingrong's face gradually disappeared, and an unknown fire rose in her heart.

"Uncle Gu has saved my life, so I'm worried that something will happen to her." Han Yangshu said frankly.

"Actually, there is one more thing I didn't say. Gu Fenghua came to our Nanli Sect. He had no good intentions. When he met Luo Enen, the two of them were even more cowardly. Fazong, you can no longer have anything to do with them, so as not to be used by them to make a big mistake." Chang Yingrong said with a cold face.

"Impossible, Uncle Gu and Uncle Luo are definitely not that kind of people." Yu Le'er blushed, and was the first to retort.

"Hmph, isn't that kind of person? Do you think that Luo Enen's teaching you sword skills is really kind, and it's nothing more than buying people's hearts and preparing for the next step to seize the suzerain position.

But with her brain, how can she have such a scheming, all of this was instigated by Gu Fenghua, and the one who is really disturbed and kind is Gu Fenghua! Don't think that she is really a good person, be careful that you won't know when you will be betrayed by her. "Chang Yingrong snorted coldly and said contemptuously.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Han Yangshu and the others changed, and several angers ignited in their eyes at the same time.

"Senior Sister Chang, we are all grateful for your help at this time. But Uncle Gu has saved our lives, and Uncle Luo has taught us art. If you continue to slander them like this, we will From now on, I will cut off all kindness and righteousness!" Han Yangshu said loudly.

It is thanks to Gu Fenghua's rescue that they can live to this day, and they are able to achieve their current cultivation level, and it is also thanks to Gu Fenghua's own refining of Zhengyi Xuan Shendan, and Luo Enen's careful guidance. To Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, they are not only grateful, but also respectful, how can they allow people to slander them repeatedly.

"Yes, Senior Sister Chang, Uncle Gu and Uncle Luo have helped us a lot. They are definitely not such people. I think you must have misunderstood..." Not to mention the three of them, even Lin Ye couldn't listen anymore, and followed argued.

"Shut up!" Chang Yingrong yelled angrily, interrupting Lin Ye's words, then turned her head to look at Han Yangshu, gritted her teeth, and said word by word, "Han Yangshu, these years, I have worked hard for you. For you, I I don't know how many good things you said in front of third uncle, but you want to break up with me because of an outsider!"

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