My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1566 Jealousy due to love, hatred due to jealousy

When she was speaking, Chang Yingrong's eyes were red, and tears kept rolling in her eyes, her expression was so sad.

"Senior Sister Chang, I, Han Yangshu, am very grateful for your kindness, but Uncle Gu and Master Luo En are so kind to us, no one can tarnish their reputation and slander them wantonly!" Han Yangshu was unmoved and remained the same. said firmly.

"You are so kind, don't think I don't know what's going on in your mind, what kind of tricks did that vixen use to make you so obsessed?" Chang Yingrong roared hysterically with all her anger erupting like a volcano. road.

"Senior Sister Chang, you have misunderstood. Although Master Gu and I are friends, we respect her as a teacher and have absolutely no different intentions. If you still want to ruin Master Gu's reputation, please go back." Han Yangshu Startled, he immediately explained.

It's a pity that Chang Yingrong was jealous because of love, and hated because of jealousy, how could he listen to such an explanation.

"Okay, okay, I'll go! Since you're so obsessed, then I won't force you anymore. I'd like to see, without my help, Chang Yingrong, how did you get a foothold in Nanli Sect and how did you enter the inner sect!" Chang Yingrong He shouted angrily, and with a face full of hatred and unwillingness, he rushed out of the valley.

Watching her go away, Han Yangshu and the others remained silent for a long time.

"I'm sorry, I've troubled you." After a long time, Han Yangshu said to Zhou Siqin and Yu Le'er with a wry smile.

"No, Senior Brother Han, how can I blame you? I didn't expect that Senior Sister Chang would look at Sister Fenghua like this and slander her so much. Even if you didn't tell me, we wouldn't go to Shengfa Peak with her." Yu Le'er He shook his head and said. Without the presence of outsiders, she also became closer to Gu Fenghua by address, which is also an expression of her true feelings.

"Yeah, don't talk about you, I can't listen anymore." Lin Ye also echoed, and then said worriedly, "I can't go to Shengfa Peak now, what are your plans?"

"We don't know either, let's wait for Fenghua and the others to leave the customs first." Han Yangshu replied.

Ji Zong definitely can't go back, Fa Zong, of course they won't go back either. The Swing Sword did not drive them out of the sect, and it was impossible for them to leave the Nanli Sect. Apart from this Qingxi Valley, they had nowhere to go.

"That's the only way to go. I still have some Xuanming Pills here, which were specially distributed by Elder Chang for the selection of inner sect disciples next month. You should share them." Lin Ye took out a dozen or so Holy Pills and said.

"No, the selection of inner disciples is so important, we can't ruin your future." Han Yangshu and the others refused in unison.

"Senior Brother Han, you are serious. I have only been in Nanli Sect for a few days. How can I hope to become an inner sect disciple with this level of strength? Even if I do, it will be ten years later." Lin Ye said very self-aware.

Although his strength has improved a lot with Gu Fenghua's help, after all, time is still short and he can't compare with those senior brothers and sisters who have joined the sect for many years. This time, the selection of inner sect disciples must have nothing to do with him.

"You can't say that. Although your strength is a little weaker, your comprehension of Fazong's three great skills may not be higher than that of your senior brothers, and you may not have no chance." Han Yangshu shook his head and continued to refuse.

"Senior Brother Han, you don't need to comfort me. Don't you know how much I have? Anyway, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it. These Xuanming Pills are still useful for you, and it's a waste for me to keep them." Han Yangshu insisted.

"Oh, it's a pity that Sister Fenghua is not here, otherwise a few Xuanming Pills are nothing." Just as the two of them declined, Yu Le'er sighed with emotion.

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