No one knew what Gu Fenghua and the others were messing with in this small yard, let alone what would shock everyone two days later.


On the morning of the selection of inner disciples, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen sat at the table and prepared to have breakfast, then went to cheer Han Yangshu and the others. Lornen hummed a ditty he made up while eating.

"Eat well, don't choke." Gu Fenghua glared at Luo Enen angrily. Now that he is such an adult, he still hums songs while eating, and he is not afraid of choking.

"Hey, I'm not too happy. Thinking of seeing the faces of those two old and incompetent pig livers today, I just said hey..." Luo Enen said here, not knowing what he thought of, and he was swaying there laughed.

Needless to say, Gu Fenghua also knew that this guy was letting himself go at the moment, so he must have thought of the scene where the two elders were deflated.

Gu Fenghua didn't bother to pay attention to Luo Enen, who was secretly having fun there, and was about to eat, but there was movement in the demon pet space. The next moment, Jiao Juju appeared in front of her.

Jiaojuju's black grape eyes were full of tears, and she looked at Gu Fenghua aggrievedly: "Master, woo woo woo, Ju Ju feels uncomfortable."

"What's the matter?" Gu Fenghua was taken aback. The first thing he thought of was that those two brats bullied Juju, and then he thought it was wrong. If those two brats have brought Juju to pieces, it means that he has accepted him. I will definitely not bully it again, and will only unite with it to bully others.

So what's wrong? Seeing Jiaojuju crying, Gu Fenghua felt distressed, and quickly hugged her in his arms.

"Juju, woohoo, Juju's, Juju's butt is itchy." Jiao Juju's tears could no longer contain them, and they fell down, "It's so itchy, will Juju die?"

Gu Fenghua's heart was shocked, he quickly lifted Juju up, and looked at its ass. It was extremely worrying in my heart, Juju had never said anything uncomfortable, this was the first time I saw Juju so panicked.

"What's wrong?" Luo Enen came back from his imagination and asked suspiciously.

"" Gu Fenghua also froze after seeing Jiao Juju's little butt clearly, hesitated for a while, and didn't say anything for a long time.

When Jiao Ju heard Gu Fenghua's tone, she became even more sad: "Master, woo woo woo, is Ju Ju hopeless, is Ju Ju going to die?"

"No." Gu Fenghua heard Jiaoju's sad tone, understood that his reaction had frightened the child, and quickly explained, "No, Juju, you have a tail, you actually have a tail."

"Ah?" Jiaoju stopped crying, looked at Gu Fenghua with wide eyes, and asked suspiciously, "Master, do I have a long tail?"

Gu Fenghua was also full of doubts. When he saw Ju Ju's mother, how many tails did that big fox have? It seems that I haven't seen it clearly.

"Master, is it because I have a long tail again? Isn't it because I'm going to die?" Jiao Juju asked eagerly after hearing Gu Fenghua say this.

"No, Juju will be fine." Gu Fenghua held Jiaojuju in his arms, and stroked its small head, "Juju, you have grown a tail again, or two." Gu Fenghua To make sure I saw it right, two more tails grew beside Jiaoju's tail. But the two tails have only grown a little now, they are short and small, cute!

Today, Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

I, sitting in front of the computer at home, code words diligently. Because there will be a wave on the 16th, err, see how hard I work, please give me some encouragement. Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, full-star praise, tipping, how about some? Woohoo, love you guys. happy holidays again

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