"It's all right?" Jiaoju still had tears in her eyes, she turned her head and carefully looked at her own tail, and said aggrievedly, "But it's very itchy, master pick it for me, I can't reach it."

"No, what if I get hurt? Be good, Juju, just wait for the tail to grow out by itself." Gu Fenghua comforted, she didn't dare to pick at the base of Juju's tail rashly. Just like a hatched bird breaking its shell, if external force helps to break the shell, the consequences will be disastrous. Gu Fenghua didn't want to cause bad consequences for Juju by picking his tail.

"But, it's really itchy." Jiaoju's tone was aggrieved, with tears in her eyes.

"Juju, be good, bear with it, when the tail grows out, Juju will become even more powerful." Gu Fenghua patted Jiaojuju's little head distressedly.

"Really? Will it become stronger?" Jiaoju stopped crying after hearing this, but looked at Gu Fenghua expectantly.

"Really." Gu Fenghua nodded affirmatively, "Juju will soon have three tails, and will be stronger than before." However, Gu Fenghua was also puzzled. How many tails can a phantom fox have?

"Huanhu, the most powerful one can have nine tails. You are lucky, you little pet, you have grown three tails at such a small size." Gui Yezi's voice suddenly appeared.

Gu Fenghua's heart moved, and he guessed: "It should be that Juju has grown up after absorbing the power of Jiao Jiao's beast last time."

"You demon pets, hmph, really... not bad." Gui Yezi reluctantly praised, and then fell silent. He wouldn't admit that he was envious and a little bit jealous.

The arrogant old man, Gu Fenghua wanted to laugh, but this old man was really cute.

Juju gained the power of the beast, grew two tails, and his strength increased. They have seen the changes of Jianjian, but they don't know what benefits the cub will get? Gu Fenghua looked forward to it.

Gu Fenghua also served Jiaojuju a breakfast and put it aside for him to eat, but Juju was writhing uncomfortably, turning his head to look at his tail from time to time. Gu Fenghua looked funny for a while.

Juju groaned and ate his breakfast, then threw himself into Gu Fenghua's arms for comfort and caress, acted coquettishly for a while, and then returned to the demon pet space.

Gu Fenghua's side is very warm, but the side of selecting inner disciples is another scene.


With the breeze blowing, the faint morning mist gradually dissipated, and a mountain peak was bathed in the morning light. Although it was not majestic, it gave people a sense of solemnity and dignity. This is the main peak of Nanli Sect, Nanli Peak.

Several solid stone platforms towered over the peak, and thousands of Nanli Sect disciples sat cross-legged under the platform, most of them had expressions of tension and anticipation on their faces.

Today is the period for the selection of inner disciples of the Nanli Sect once every ten years. No matter whether the outer disciples or the handyman disciples, they are eligible to participate in the selection.

Everyone's eyes turned to the Shengshiyi behind the stone platform, which is a magic weapon for timekeeping. In half an hour, the selection will officially start.

"Senior Brother Han, why haven't they come yet?" Among the crowd of Ji Zong, a young disciple turned his head and looked back from time to time, and said with some doubts.

The Senior Brother Han he was talking about was naturally Han Yangshu.

The fact that Han Yangshu was expelled from the Holy Sword Peak spread throughout the Nanli Sect in just a few hours. Of course, it is impossible for these fellow sects not to know about it.

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