My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1587 I Know You Have Backbone

He also didn't understand until now that cultivation should be done as early as possible, once the age is passed, the potential for improvement will become smaller and smaller.

It's a pity that it's too late to wake up now, he has missed the best age of cultivation, and he is destined to never set foot in the inner sect in this life, and it is absolutely impossible to achieve much.

If God gave him another chance, even if he risked his life, even if he knew that he would lose face, he would definitely fight hard. Comparing his heart with his heart, he thought that he could best understand the state of mind of Zhou Siqin and Yu Leer at this time.

"Senior Brother Mu is right. It is indeed the most sensible thing for them to do this. It's just that with their strength, there is no chance. In the end, it is still broken." Hearing his words, the other disciples finally realized, and looked at Zhou Siqin a few times. The back of the person is a little more sympathetic.

What kind of situation does this have to be forced to, what kind of desperation must be, to be so broken!

No one noticed that no matter Han Yangshu, Zhou Siqin, Lin Ye, or even Yu Le'er, who was so weak in their eyes, they all looked so confident and calm, without any embarrassment or embarrassment at all. Absolutely.

When everyone in the audience was discussing and showing great sympathy for Han Yangshu and the others, they had already arrived on the competition stage.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Qiu Qianjian snorted coldly.

He expelled Han Yangshu and the others from the Holy Sword Peak, which originally meant that he would use them to show his prestige. The more downcast they are, the greater their deterrent power to others, and the more they can show their strength The majesty of the elders of Jizong, who knew that they would have the courage to come to participate in the selection of inner disciples, didn't they make it clear that they wanted to fight him to the end?

At this time, Qiuqianjian had never thought about it at all. It wasn't that Han Yangshu and the others wanted to fight him to the end, but that he was too stubborn and decisive, and he didn't leave the slightest retreat for others.

"Yang Shu, give up, you have no chance. As long as you open your mouth, I can ask third uncle to directly accept you as an inner disciple." Chang Yingrong was silent for a while, and still approached the competition platform, whispering to Han Yangshu.

The three assessments for the selection of Nanli Sect's inner disciples are actually quite risky, especially in the final competition of strength, which is even more blind. Han Yangshu has been delayed for more than a month, and his strength has no advantage over other competitors. She absolutely does not want any accidents for Han Yangshu.

According to the clan rules, each elder has three quotas for inner sect disciples, even if he has no qualifications or is a newborn baby, he can be directly selected into the inner sect.

Of course, no one would waste it like this. These three places are usually reserved for personal disciples or close relatives. Chang Wanfa used one of the places for her and the other for his personal disciples, leaving one As long as Han Yangshu is willing, she will persuade the third uncle to accept Han Yangshu directly into the inner sect no matter what.

Han Yangshu looked at Chang Yingrong, didn't speak, but shook his head resolutely.

"Han Yangshu, I know you have integrity, and you'd rather break the jar than open your mouth to me, but what about Siqin and Le'er, do you really want them to accompany you on this adventure!" Seeing that Han Yangshu still refuses to change his mind, Chang Yingrong was angry and anxious, and said angrily.

She knew that Han Yangshu valued friendship the most, Zhou Siqin and Yu Leer were his weaknesses, and only the two of them could make him change his mind.

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