"Thank you, Senior Sister Chang, for your concern. We have our own measure." But this time, before Han Yangshu showed any hesitation, Zhou Siqin rushed to say.

"That's right, we're not stupid. Since we dared to come, of course we're sure." Yu Le'er also said.

Now that they have already said that, Han Yangshu didn't bother to speak again.

"Okay, okay, you guys are looking for death, then go, I'm meddling in my own business!" Chang Yingrong originally wanted to rely on the two of them to persuade Han Yangshu to change his mind, but in her mind, it was actually for their own good, after all, their The strength is too poor, not only has no chance to pass the assessment, but also takes great risks. Who knew that the two of them were so ignorant that she turned blue with anger.

"I'm sure, but I want to see how sure you are!" Looking at the background where Zhou Siqin and Yu Le'er turned away, Chang Yingrong cursed in a low voice, gnashing her teeth.

Seeing that Han Yangshu and the others were so resolute, Chang Yingrong also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to persuade. As the saying goes, there will be no tears until the coffin is seen. They still don't understand the risks of this assessment, so they have unrealistic fantasies. When they know the power and hope is completely hopeless, they will naturally ask her.

"Is there anyone else?" When Han Yangshu and others came to the center of the competition stage and stood together with other disciples who were about to participate in the selection, Chang Wanfa turned and looked at the audience.

The response to him was silence, knowing that there was no chance of passing the selection, who would want to go up and make a fool of himself?

"Since everyone is here, I announce that the selection of inner disciples will officially begin." Chang Wanfa took out jade medals and handed them to the disciples on the stage.

"Elder Chang, what is this?" A disciple asked curiously.

"You will know soon." Chang Wanfa made a handprint after finishing speaking.

Next to it, the swing sword also made handprints. The handprints of the two people look completely different, one is calm and stable, the other is agile and elegant, but it gives people the feeling of unusual harmony.

As the two of them made handprints one after another, a unique ray of light emerged from the competition stage. The ray of light was like clouds and fog, covering nearly forty or so disciples who participated in the selection, and their figures gradually became hazy and illusory. Get up, and at last, completely disappear into the cloud.

"This is the first assessment for the selection of inner disciples this time. It is called the Nanli Magic Formation. If you can walk out of the formation within half an hour, you will be considered as passing the assessment. If you can't walk out, of course you will fail the assessment. In addition, this formation is a great test for your spirit, if it is unbearable, you can crush the jade tablet, and we will help you." Qiu Qianjian said.

As soon as the words fell, the two made the last handprint at the same time, and saw the light like clouds and mist flowing rapidly. Although the scope was limited to the competition platform, but at a glance, it gave people an unfathomable and boundless feeling. illusion.

What was even more frightening was that there were bursts of screaming sounds. Crazy and shrill, like a herd of angry beasts roaring up to the sky, or like the whining of countless lonely souls and grieving ghosts unwillingly.

The faces of the disciples in the audience changed. At this moment, they felt unprecedented fear at the same time. This fear seemed to come from the bottom of their hearts, making it impossible to resist, and even more difficult to bear. The hairs on everyone's bodies stood up, and their fingers were trembling slightly.

Fortunately, Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian quickly made a few more handprints, and an invisible barrier suddenly appeared to protect them. Only then did they relax and calm down. But recalling the fear that came from the bottom of their hearts just now, the disciples still have lingering fears.

Even people who are outside the formation are like this, so what if they are inside the formation? In addition to palpitations, the same thought came to everyone's heart.

Chang Yingrong was also full of anxiety and worry, what about Han Yangshu? what will happen?

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