My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1589 Let him show his prototype in the first scene

Their doubts will soon be answered.

"Ah, help, help..." A terrified cry for help sounded from within the formation.

The voice was so sharp that no one could tell who it was.

"Don't kill me, please forgive me, I was wrong, I don't dare again, don't kill me, don't kill me..." Immediately afterwards, a crying voice sounded.

"Don't come here, don't come here again, ah..."

Cries for help, wailing, crying, one after another. Even with the protection of the enchantment, the faces of everyone in the audience changed again, as if they felt the fear from the bottom of their hearts again.

Finally, a thin beam of light as white as jade shot up into the sky from the formation. Obviously, someone couldn't bear the huge fear and crushed the jade tablet.

Chang Wanfa moved and plunged into the formation, and when he reappeared, he already had an extra man in his hand.

This man was about twenty-six or seventeen years old, tall and tall, with sharp features and an extremely mighty face, but at this moment, Chang Wanfa lifted him up like a dead fish, loosened his hand, and collapsed like mud On the ground, his face was covered with tears, and he kept muttering to himself: "Don't kill me, I was wrong, please don't kill me..." There is no trace of this distraught look. Mighty at all.

"It's Chen Taiqian, Senior Brother Chen!" A young disciple in the audience exclaimed.

Chen Taiqian is an outer disciple of the Skill Sect, and he started two years earlier than Han Yangshu, although because of his aptitude, his cultivation level is slightly inferior to that of Han Yangshu.

But for the selection of inner disciples this time, he practiced diligently every day, and Elder Qiu took special care of him. His cultivation level can be described as making rapid progress. It is said that he is no longer inferior to the former Han Yangshu, and even stronger than him.

No one thought that just the first assessment would reveal his prototype!

With such a will, no matter how many training resources he has, no matter how advanced his skills and sword skills are, he will never be able to achieve much.

And being scared like this will definitely leave a shadow in his heart, even a demon, and his future achievements will be even more limited.

"Hey, if you don't have enough aptitude and strength, don't participate in the selection. If you fall into this position, it will be embarrassing, and your future cultivation will be greatly affected. Why bother?" A disciple said sympathetically, secretly rejoicing Fortunately, I was smart, so I chose to give up at the last moment, otherwise I would end up worse than Chen Taiqian.

"Yeah, if you don't have that kind of aptitude and strength, let's practice honestly. It's so ambitious that the gain is not worth the loss." Others took his words seriously.

As soon as he said this, another beam of light rose into the sky. This time it was Swing Sword who saved people, his figure flashed, and another disciple was dragged out of the formation.

"It's Brother Luo Qinghao Luo!" Looking at the young man on the stage who rolled his eyes and passed out, and was still foaming at the mouth, someone exclaimed again.

Luo Qinghao is a disciple of Fazong's outer sect. He is stronger than Chen Taigan in terms of strength, but he is worse than Sun Taiqian in the end. Of course, this is also because he persisted until the last moment and couldn't hold on. Because of the Broken Jade Card.

Beams of light flashed one after another, and Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian's movements became faster and faster. After only a quarter of an hour, more than ten disciples were dragged out of the Nanli phantom formation.

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