My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1590 But no one thought of it

Everyone was so frightened that they lost their minds and cried bitterly. There was even a disciple who was completely insane. As soon as he came out of the formation, he hugged the swing sword and slammed his mouth and called mother. Jian Hei face slapped him unconscious, and then he calmed down.

Looking at Qiu Qianjian's body full of saliva and snot, all the disciples in the audience wanted to laugh, but they couldn't.

Only then did they know that the assessment of the inner disciples of Nanli Sect was so dangerous. It was as simple as what Qiuqianjian said earlier was more or less risky. Fortunately, they had self-knowledge and chose to give up, otherwise they would end up in danger. It is more than ten times or a hundred times worse than Chen Taiqian and others.

After all, those who have the confidence to participate in the selection are all the elites of the outer sect, or even the elites of the elites. No matter how embarrassed they look at this time, their aptitude and strength are not comparable to them.

"This old man Qiu won't deliberately deceive people." Thinking about Qiu Qianjian's previous understatement reminder, and looking at the final miserable end of Chen Taiqian and others, some people even speculated like this.

Speaking of this matter, they really misunderstood Swing Sword. In the assessment of Nanli Sect inner disciples, except for the final strength competition, the first two are different every time. This is also the rule set by the sect since ancient times, so Swing Sword He Chang Wanfa did not expect that this assessment would be so difficult, the risk would be so great, and they would be exhausted trying to save people.

"By the way, even Senior Brother Chen and Senior Brother Luo have ended up like this, what will happen to Senior Brother Han and the others, especially Junior Brother Siqin and Junior Sister Le'er?" The mood gradually calmed down a little, and finally someone thought of Han Yangshu and the others.

Han Yangshu delayed this most precious time for more than a month. Compared with Chen Taiqian, his cultivation was no longer superior, and he might even fall behind, while Zhou Siqin and Yu Le'er were not strong in the first place, and now they are far behind. Even Chen Taiqian and Luo Qinghao couldn't bear the power of this formation, how could they be an exception.

"Do you think they don't even have the chance to crush the jade token?" A disciple said worriedly.

"It's quite possible. The selection of inner disciples this time is their only chance. They will definitely persevere with all their strength. Just like Luo Qinghao, they will never give up until the last moment.

But they don't have Luo Qinghao's strength, especially Siqin and Le'er, if they forcefully delay until the last moment, they may not even have a chance to crush the jade token. "Another disciple pondered over his words, also worried.

All the disciples of Jizong looked at the stage worriedly, even the disciples of Fazong were no exception.

Some time ago, the disciples of the two Schools of Skills went to Qingxi Valley to ask Luo Enen for advice on sword skills. They gradually became familiar with Han Yangshu and the others, and they also admired their character and personality, so they didn't want any accidents to happen to them.

Many people have already started to gather holy energy, and they will go to the stage to save people as soon as this assessment is over.

At this moment, a looming figure appeared on the edge of the formation, and with one step, he came outside the formation.

"Senior Brother Han!" There was an exclamation from the audience.

That's right, it was Han Yangshu who appeared in front of him.

Although I already knew that no matter how difficult the assessment is, there will always be a genius disciple with extraordinary strength and talent who will pass the assessment in the end. This is the meaning of the assessment.

But no one thought that the first one to pass the assessment would be Han Yangshu!

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