My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1597 It's all black into carbon, who can recognize it?

On the stage, the flames were still swaying and thunderbolts exploded, and thunder and fire fell towards the disciples of the two sects in the formation.

White beams of light shot up to the sky from time to time, and screams for help kept coming and going. Chang Wanfa and Qiuqian moved quickly, rushing into the formation one after another, and rescued a famous disciple.

Finally, a quarter of an hour passed, the assessment was over, and the formation disappeared.

Four young disciples with disheveled hair, scorched faces and black smoke all over their bodies reappeared in front of them. Although they failed to break through the formation like Han Yangshu and the others, they passed the assessment according to the rules and persisted until the end.

"Who are these senior brothers?" Looking at the humanoid Heitan on the stage, a young disciple asked blankly.

"Who would recognize Hei Cheng like this?" Another disciple gave him a look like a fool.

"Looking at the holy robe, it seems that two of them are senior brothers of Jizong, and the other two are senior brothers of Fazong." A sharp-eyed disciple said.

"I recognize it, I recognize it. The one on the far left is our senior brother Fang Yunan, the Fazong, next to him is senior brother Duan Zongcheng, the technical sect next to him, next to him is senior brother Lin Xiulin, the technical sect, and the last one is senior brother Li Yuanqing and Li Yuanqing of the Fazong." The disciple was reminded earlier and finally recognized who those people were.

"It seems to be true. How did you recognize it?" The surrounding disciples took a closer look, and they looked familiar. They asked curiously, admiringly.

"It's simple. Brother Fang's good teeth are famously white. Brother Duan has two canine teeth. Brother Lin has two big dies. Brother Li never shows his teeth when he smiles." The man said triumphantly.

The others took a closer look again, and sure enough, the first human-shaped Heitan had a mouthful of teeth that were unusually white, the second human-shaped Heitan had two canine teeth that were very conspicuous, the third one did indeed have two large dies that looked like rabbits, and the third one did have two large dies that looked like rabbits. As for the four, if you look carefully, they burst into tears just because they survived the catastrophe and passed the assessment, but they couldn't see a single tooth. It was the signature smile of Fazong Li Yuanqing.

After hearing this and watching the scene, everyone felt a little complicated. These few people passed the assessment. It stands to reason that they should think that the seniors are amazing and admire them. However, at this moment, they want to laugh a little...

It's a strange story in the history of the sect that he can be recognized in such a unique way after he has become like this? I am afraid that the people present at this scene will not forget it after many years.

In the audience behind the test stand, Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian finally recognized who the four people who passed the test were. Although the difficulty and danger of this assessment are far greater than before, two elite disciples from each of the two schools of techniques have persisted until the third round, which is enough for them to be proud of, but at this moment, the two are Nothing to be proud of.

Look at how embarrassed these few elite disciples who persisted to the end are. If it weren't for the distinctive teeth, even the mother would not be able to recognize who is who. Look at how calm the four Han Yangshu and the others who broke through the formation and passed the assessment were so calm and at ease.

You know, among Han Yangshu and the others, Han Yangshu is the only one with good strength, and the others are not worth mentioning at all, but after getting to know Gu Fenghua, his strength has improved so much that he passed the first two assessments almost effortlessly .

However, the elites of the outer sects of their two sects have won the appreciation of their two elders. These days, in order to welcome the selection of inner sect disciples, there is an endless supply of cultivation resources. The two of them even personally give advice, but in The performance in the assessment was so poor.

Comparing the two with each other, it is obvious that they are tall and low, they only feel that their old faces are hot, and they are not proud of it.

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