My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1598 Isn't this slapping yourself?

"Uncle Luo, congratulations on leaving the customs early. I have a thousand-year-old spirit grass here, and I will give it to Uncle Luo as a congratulatory gift. The two masters accept it with a smile." A bright-eyed young disciple stepped forward and said to Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua.

"This junior has two Ziying jade, which I found when I went to Wufang Mountain to practice a few days ago. I also gave it to the two uncles. Please don't dislike the two uncles."

"By the way, I have two Liujinsha here. Anyway, I don't know how to refine weapons or formations, so I will give them to the two uncles."

At the same time when Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian were burning their old faces, the other disciples couldn't wait to get close to Gu Fenghua, but after all they were not familiar with Gu Fenghua, and they didn't have the same friendship as teachers, uncles and nephews. It seemed abrupt, so he deliberately pulled Lornen on.

As a result, the faces of the two elders became even darker, darker than those human figures on the stage.

Although this time, the disciples all went for Gu Fenghua, but even a blind person could see that Gu Fenghua and Lonen were like sisters, what's the difference between pleasing Gu Fenghua and pleasing Lonen? If this continues, Luo Enen's reputation in Nanli Sect will definitely rise, and no one can compare to it!

"No, we have to suppress her momentum!" Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian looked at each other and made up their mind at the same time.

"Quiet! This is our Nanli Sect's ten-year selection of inner disciples. Do you think it's a vegetable market?" Qiu Qianjian roared with a dark face.

Chang Wanfa also had a straight face, and let out a heavy cold snort.

Those who can be accepted by the Nanli Sect are not dull people. Looking at the faces of the two elders, those disciples who were busy making friends with Gu Fenghua knew that their actions had caused the elders to be dissatisfied, so they quickly retreated. The eyes that look at Gu Fenghua from time to time are still so hot.

"Congratulations to everyone who passed the second assessment. Next, it will be the last selection of inner disciples - the skill competition. Go down and rest for a while." Chang Wanfa let out a sigh of relief, and Fang Yunan and the others Said.

"Yes, Lord Elder." Several humanoid Heitan on the stage bowed at the same time and retreated to the back of the stage. Once they lowered their heads, it was impossible to tell who was who.

Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian straightened their clothes, got up at the same time, and walked towards the four human-shaped Heitan under the stage.

"The disciple has met the elder." As soon as they saw the two, Fang Yunan and the other four immediately stood up and saluted.

Their cultivation was indeed good. Although they looked embarrassed, they were not seriously injured. After taking the healing elixir and washing their faces, their complexions looked much better. At least they could tell who was who.

"Useless waste, for today's selection of inner disciples, how many cultivation resources I have given you, and how much effort I have put into you, let's see how embarrassed you are, you have completely thrown away my old face!" But Qiuqianjian didn't have a good face at all, he just sweared at him.

As long as he thought of Han Yangshu and his group's calmness when they easily broke through the formation, and the envy and admiration of the disciples when they looked at them, he would not get angry at all.

The disciple who was expelled from the Holy Sword Peak performed so well, while the disciple who was favored by him performed so poorly, isn't this a slap in the face of himself?

I recommend my friend Lufan Huashui's text "Wan Beasts towards the Phoenix" and her quality is very guaranteed. Her writing is good, but a bit slow. Everyone read it patiently, and you will find that it is really good-looking, believe me, okay? Another update today.

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