"Aren't you worried at all?" Lonen asked.

"Why worry? If you want to become an inner disciple, you should be the most outstanding disciple among the outer disciples. If he can't even defeat Fang Yunan, how can he prove his talent and strength?" Gu Fenghua smiled slightly, and continued Said, "Besides, in the face of absolute strength, conspiracy and tricks are as fragile as paper, aren't they?"

"In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is as fragile as paper!" When Gu Fenghua said this, his expression was full of confidence. This confidence is not only trust in Han Yangshu and the others, but also confidence in herself.

In order to help Han Yangshu and the others improve their combat power, she has resorted to all her remedies, and Han Yangshu and the others have also shown their will and determination that surprised even her. She believes that they will be able to win the selection of inner disciples. Be a blockbuster and stand out from the crowd of elites outside the sect!

While everyone in the audience was discussing, Han Yangshu, Zhou Siqin, Lin Ye, and Yu Le'er held their heads high and held their sword hilts, and walked towards the four competition platforms respectively. Their faces were also filled with strong confidence .

Ever since they were expelled from the Holy Sword Peak by the Swing Sword, the few people had nowhere to go and almost fell into a desperate situation. It was Gu Fenghua who gave them hope again.

They must win this battle, only in this way can they live up to Gu Fenghua's expectations of them, and live up to Gu Fenghua's dedication to them.

On the other side of the competition stage, Fang Yunan and Duan Zongcheng also walked towards their respective opponents. As soon as the lottery results came out, Duan Zongchenghe, Lin Xiu, and Li Yuanqing felt completely relaxed, and their steps were extraordinarily brisk, while Fang Yunan's expression was much more serious.

Coming to the stage, Fang Yunan subconsciously stopped and looked towards Chang Yingrong.

Chang Yingrong's feelings for Han Yangshu are not a secret in Nanli Sect, but anyone with a little experience and insight can see the clue, and Fang Yunan is no exception.

He also knew why Chang Yingrong taught him the Nine Heavens Sword and Thunder. To put it bluntly, didn't he just fall out with Han Yangshu and use him to put pressure on Han Yangshu, forcing him to bow his head and give in?

Although he knew very well that he was being used, Fang Yunan didn't mind at all. As an outer disciple, he had to have the awareness of an outer disciple. To be able to be used in this way, and to learn the supreme skill of the Nanli Patriarchal School, that is What does he care about good things that other people can't even dream of?

If the opponent in this competition is replaced by someone else, he will never hesitate at all, just use his strongest means, pass all the way, and be promoted to the inner sect, which is the greatest wish of every outer sect disciple in his life Ah, how can he be soft-hearted.

However, the two elders played tricks in the lottery and made him face Han Yangshu again. In this match, should he win or lose? If Han Yangshu was accidentally hurt, how would Chang Yingrong react? Will you turn against him on the spot?

After all, the sword manual of the Nine Heavens Sword and Thunder on his body was given by Chang Yingrong, and Chang Yingrong has treated him as much as a mountain. If he turned his back on him, wouldn't he become an ungrateful person? Once such a notoriety is left behind, everyone will shout and beat him as a rat crossing the street. Even if he gets promoted to the inner sect as he wishes, he may not have a foothold.

Fang Yunan looked forward and backward, looking at Chang Yingrong full of entanglements.

At this time, he never thought about a question: Did he think too much? Han Yangshu, is it really that easy to defeat?

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