My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1603 You admit defeat yourself

"Just do your best, don't hurt his life, just don't ruin his cultivation." Of course Chang Yingrong guessed what he was struggling with, and said indifferently.

Originally, she was rejected by Han Yangshu again before the selection began, and she still had some doubts about whether she had done something wrong.

But then, Gu Fenghua's appearance made her jealousy blaze again, burning the sliver of reason that had just woken up to ashes.

It turned out that the reason why Han Yangshu rejected him again was because of Gu Fenghua. Did he really think that with Gu Fenghua's help, he could successfully enter the inner sect? He really thought that the two elders of Nanli Zongtangtang were still fighting Just a Gu Fenghua?

Since you think so, then I will completely cut off your hope and let you know who is in charge of Nanlizong and who can help you! Chang Yingrong glanced at Han Yangshu, and her gaze became even more paranoid.

"Please don't worry, senior sister, I will never hurt his life or damage his cultivation." After hearing Chang Yingrong's words, Fang Yunan felt relieved and leaped onto the stage.

Beside, Duan Zongcheng and others also jumped onto the competition stage.

"Is everything ready?" Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian asked in unison.

Although the discussion in the audience was not loud, it still reached their ears from time to time. If the disciples were allowed to continue discussing like this, they still don't know what they would say.

As elders, they actually feel ashamed to cheat in the selection of inner disciples, so they just want to start the final round of competition as soon as possible and end this selection as soon as possible.

"Ready." The eight disciples on the stage responded at the same time.

"Then start!" Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian shouted in deep voices.

"Choke", amidst the dragon's chants, the eight long swords were unsheathed at the same time.

All eyes were on Han Yangshu and Fang Yunan at the same time. In the other three competitions, Zhou Siqin, Lin Ye, and Yu Leer were too weak in cultivation, especially the latter two, who were almost forgotten characters in the Nanli Sect. The defeat was a foregone conclusion, and there was nothing to watch. The real highlight, It was the battle between Han Yangshu and Fang Yunan.

Every fight in the past has ended with Han Yangshu winning and Fang Yunan losing, and losing when meeting Han. It seems to have become Fang Yunan's fate. Today, can he change his fate?

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen looked at the stage calmly.

"Han Yangshu, let's do it. In today's battle, I will be ashamed and let everyone know that I, Fang Yunan, are the new generation of cultivation wizards of the Nanli Sect!" Fang Yunan pointed at Han Yangshu, his voice trembling slightly with excitement.

In the past, he was also regarded as a generation of wizards. Even if he came to Nanli Sect, he was highly valued by the two elders. He thought that by becoming a disciple of the sect, he would be able to fully display his talents and become a famous strongman. On Han Yangshu.

From the first fight, the halo of genius on his head was shattered, and he was so suppressed that he could no longer lift his head up. The name of genius that day became a complete joke.

Today's competition is not only a key battle for him to be promoted to the inner sect, but also a battle for him to avenge his revenge and restore his reputation. He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

"You have no chance." Unlike Fang Yunan's excitement, Han Yangshu's expression was calm.

"What did you say?" Fang Yunan looked at Han Yangshu with strange eyes.

"I don't want to hurt you, you admit defeat." Han Yangshu continued.

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