My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1607 What kind of super weak chicken is this?

What kind of super weak chicken is this, it is simply the evil star in my life!

Lin Xiu looked at Yu Le'er's childish little face, and was so aggrieved that she just wanted to cry.

Although he could still rely on his cultivation far surpassing Yu Le'er's for the time being, he knew very well that he couldn't last long, and it was only a matter of time before he lost.

If he was defeated by anyone else, he wouldn't be so aggrieved. This is the Nanli Sect's selection of inner disciples once every ten years. Those who can pass the first two rounds of assessment and come to the present, who is not the elite among the elites , Losing is not ashamed.

But the problem is, no matter what Yu Le'er said, he was just a little girl who was underage. After being defeated by her, he was afraid that he would become the biggest laughing stock in the history of Nanli Sect, and he would never be able to hold his head up for the rest of his life.

God, why don't you just hit me with a thunderbolt, don't let me be so embarrassing, okay? Lin Xiu looked up pale, with a sad face, and silently roared.

His wish soon came true. Amidst the loud noise, two faint blue thunder lights descended from the sky, slashing fiercely on his sword light, and knocked him out of the competition stage with the sword.

"Nine Heavens Illusory Lightning Sword!" Seeing those two thunder lights and the illusory afterimage clone beside Yu Le'er, everyone in the audience exclaimed again.

It turned out that not only Han Yangshu, but even Yu Le'er had also learned the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword!

It is self-evident what Zhou Siqin and Lin Ye relied on to defeat Li Yuanqing and Duan Zongcheng. Even Yu Le'er, who is the weakest among them, can learn the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword. Maybe they can't learn it?

However, the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword is the number one skill of Nanli Sect.

In the past ten thousand years, the Nanli Sect has produced so-called geniuses. Except for the Supreme Elder who took the spiritual fruit by chance, no one has learned the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword. Today, Han Yangshu, Zhou Siqin, Lin Ye, Yu The four of them, Le'er, have all learned this unique skill.

Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword, when did it become so bad?

"Crack!" There was a sound, and there was the sound of something breaking. At the auditorium, Chang Wanfa's self-satisfied smile disappeared long ago, his face turned livid, and the veins in his palms pressed on the stone chair were exposed, crushing the armrest to pieces.

I thought that Fang Yunan would be a blockbuster in this round of competition, and Shengfa Peak would also crush Shengjian Peak, so the momentum was like a rainbow, and no one was qualified to compete with him for the position of suzerain.

Who knew that Fang Yunan couldn't even block Han Yangshu's sword, and Li Yuanqing was also defeated. The dignified elite of the two elites of the outer school of Fazong, under the swords of the two abandoned disciples of Jizong, was unable to fight back at all, and he became a blockbuster Shit.

According to his temper, he should have lost his temper, but looking at Han Yangshu and the others on the stage, he couldn't express his anger at all.

The Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword, they actually learned the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword, which is a sect's unique skill that even he, the elder of the Fazong, could not comprehend. Fang Yunan and Li Yuanqing were defeated by this sword, so what right did he have to get angry at them?

Behind him, Chang Yingrong also had a frosty and miserable expression.

He thought that Han Yangshu would be defeated in this competition, and he would be completely driven into a desperate situation, and then he would completely wake up. In this Nanli sect, whoever treats him best can really help him. Unexpectedly, he actually won, winning so cleanly.

Not only him, but also Zhou Siqin and Lin Ye, and even the weakest Yu Leer won a complete victory. She didn't even have the last chip to coerce Han Yangshu to bow his head.

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