My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1608 She Was Speechless When She Asked

Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword! They actually learned the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword with the help of Gu Fenghua. This Gu Fenghua is so capable, how many surprises does she have to bring to people... oh no, it's shocking.

Chang Yingrong glanced at Gu Fenghua with such despair.

"This round of competition, Han Yangshu, Zhou Siqin, Lin Ye, and Yu Le'er won. Now draw lots for the next round of competition." Chang Wanfa became more and more bored the more he thought about it.

"Compared to what else, it's not like Senior Brother Han wins." A disciple in the audience said.

Although Han Yangshu, Zhou Siqin and others have learned the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword, anyone who is not blind can see that Han Yangshu's strength is still far superior to the other three. If there is a direct comparison, he will definitely win in the end.

"Our strength is indeed far inferior to Senior Brother Han, so we can just judge Senior Brother Han to win, and there is no need to compete any more." Zhou Siqin and the others also echoed. It's not that they are modest, it's the fact that it is.

"In this case, Han Yangshu should be judged as the winner in the third round of the selection of inner disciples." Chang Wanfa had long been bored with the selection of inner disciples, and was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Hearing such a result, the disciples in the audience were not at all excited, and even Han Yangshu himself was calm - it was a clear result, so there was nothing to be excited about.

Everyone looked at Chang Wanfa expectantly. The result of this competition itself is not important. What is important is that this result determines the disciples who will be promoted from the outer sect to the inner sect. Now, they just wait for Chang Wanfa to make a final decision. , announced the final result.

"According to the rules of this sect, all the outer disciples who win the selection will have the opportunity to be promoted to the inner sect, but you also know that my Nanli sect has always selected the inner sect disciples on the basis of merit, rather than abuse, if the performance is mediocre The aptitude is ordinary, even if you can stand out from the selection, you may not be able to advance to the inner sect. Back then, when my great-great-grandfather was alive, there were hundreds of years in a row that no disciple from the outer sect was promoted to the inner sect, so what? ..." Of course Chang Wanfa knew what everyone was expecting, rolled his eyes and said slowly.

Fortunately, he had already thought of a perfect plan to prevent accidents from happening. Even if Han Yangshu defeated Fang Yunan, so what, the ancestral rules are there, and he can still keep him out of the inner sect.

Chang Wanfa's mouth revealed an imperceptible sneer of complacency.

"So what? Do you want to say that although Han Yangshu passed the three assessments, but his performance is average and his aptitude is average, so he still can't be promoted to the inner sect?

Didn't you see how dangerous this assessment is? Don't you know how strong Fang Yunan is? You can easily break out from the Nanli Magic Formation and Nanli Thunder Fire Formation, and defeat Fang Yunan with a single sword. How dare you say that he performed well? generally?

Don't you know how difficult it is to comprehend the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword? For tens of thousands of years, besides my master and his old man, there are several people from the Nanli Sect who have comprehended this unique art. How dare you say that he has ordinary aptitude?

If this is considered to be of ordinary aptitude, Senior Brother Chang, you can also show us two tricks? "Although Chang Wanfa hasn't finished speaking, even a deaf person can guess what he wants to say later. Others are afraid to say more because of his majesty as an elder, but Luo Enen doesn't have so many worries, with a sarcasm on his face Said.

Chang Wanfa was rendered speechless by her question, and he choked back the words that were on his lips.

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