This middle-aged man's name is Fang Pingxuan, and he is a direct disciple of the previous suzerain. Because his talent is not too outstanding, so many years ago, the suzerain has clearly stated that the future suzerain will not be passed on to him. Here, this is also to prevent him from thinking wildly and disturbing his state of mind from affecting his cultivation.

Although he was already doomed to be ineligible to succeed the suzerain, Fang Pingxuan was upright and had a very high reputation in Nanli Sect. Even the two elders did not dare to offend him easily.

"Uncle Qiu, Uncle Chang, my Nanli Sect has been in decline for thousands of years, and it was very difficult for someone to comprehend the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword, and they are still four disciples. It's a great opportunity, if you reject Junior Brother Zhou, Junior Brother Lin and Junior Sister Yu from the inner sect, how is it different from throwing everything away?

If we miss this opportunity and watch my Nanli Sect continue to decline like this, how can we be worthy of the ancestors of the Nanli Sect, and how can we be worthy of the suzerain's entrustment at the end of his life! "Fang Pingxuan said seriously.

"Senior Brother Fang is right. Junior Brother Zhou and Junior Brother Lin have such talents, so why can't they become inner disciples?"

"If even such a talent is not qualified to become an inner sect disciple, when will our Nanli sect have a bright future, and when will we be able to regain its former glory."

"If our Nanli sect misses such a talented person, misses this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rise up, and we are under the Nine Springs, what face will we have to meet the ancestors of the past!" With Fang Pingxuan taking the lead, the other disciples' concerns will be much less, They also talked in a hurry, even the disciples of Jizong were no exception.

Gu Fenghua nodded secretly in his heart, this sect is not hopeless, maybe one day, it can really regain its former glory.

Even his own disciples openly objected, not giving himself as an elder any face, Qiu Qianjian was so angry that his lips trembled. This is no longer a question of whether Zhou Siqin and the others can become inner disciples, but a question of the face of the elders of his sect.

"I don't believe it anymore, I'm a majestic elder of the Skill Sect, it's fine if I can't handle Han Yangshu, and I can't handle a few abandoned disciples who are still young!" Swinging sword heart, he was about to speak again.

But before he could make a sound, he was grabbed by Chang Wanfa.

"My Nanli sect is different from other sects, so you must not cause public anger." Chang Wanfa winked and reminded in a low voice.

The swing sword hit Ji Ling and calmed down all of a sudden. Compared with other sects, the history of Nanli Sect is too long, and the past is too glorious. When it comes to the glory of the past, all disciples of the sect are proud of it.

Revitalizing the sect and reviving its former glory is also the lifelong wish of the disciples of the Nanli Sect. Since ancient times, countless disciples have worked hard to achieve this goal, and even sacrificed their lives for it.

Now that Zhou Siqin and the others have proved their aptitude and strength, if he insists on sticking to his own opinion and pushes them out of the inner sect, then he is going against the Nanli Sect and the ancestors of the sect.

Once he is outraged by the public, maybe even he, an elder, will be kicked out of the stage, and then he will really lose all face.

"Cough, cough, what Master Nephew Fang said is very true. Zhou Siqin, Lin Ye, and Yu Le'er have such talents. It is a great blessing for our Nanli Sect. I announce that they will be admitted to the inner sect." Seeing that the swing sword suppressed his anger, Chang Wanfa said quickly.

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