"I hope you guys will continue to work hard and practice diligently in the future to become the mainstay of our Nanli Sect." Anyway, we have already compromised, so why not just show your generosity as an elder? After speaking, Chang Wanfa immediately pretended With a kind smile on his face, he said earnestly to Zhou Siqin and the others.

Zhou Siqin and Yu Le'er never expected that they would also be promoted to the inner sect, and they were so excited that they were speechless under the tears of joy.

"Thank you, thank you, Elder. This disciple must practice hard and never fail to live up to your old man's expectations. He will carry forward my Dharma School and the Nanli School." Lin Ye stammered.

Chang Wanfa was slightly taken aback, and then suddenly remembered that Lin Ye was a disciple of his Fazong. Although Duan Zongcheng and Li Yuanqing were defeated miserably, isn't there another disciple from the outer sect of the Fazong who was promoted to the inner sect?

"Okay, okay." Chang Wanfa laughed heartily, this time, it was definitely not forced out.

Although Lin Ye's strength is not as good as Han Yangshu's, but at such an age, such a talent, such a strength, he can still be called a genius, and he also feels that his face has something to do with it.

Beside him, Qiuqianjian's expression was even worse. Chang Wanfa managed to save the last trace of his face, and as for him, three of the four outer disciples who were promoted to the inner sect were originally from the Skill Sect. If Han Yangshu If he hadn't driven a few people out of the Holy Sword Peak on a whim, what kind of glory would he be now?

But now, don't talk about the scenery, he is the biggest joke of Nanlizong if he is so blind.

Looking at the excited Han Yangshu, Zhou Siqin, and Yu Leer on the stage, he suddenly regretted it. If he had known this before, why were he so impulsive back then? It would be nice to leave them at Holy Sword Peak. It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world, and it's too late to say anything now.

Under the envious gaze of all the fellow students, Han Yangshu and the others jumped off the competition stage and walked towards Gu Fenghua.

"Don't say thank you anymore, my ears are almost callused." Seeing the tearful eyes of several people, Luo Enen knew what they wanted to say, and said while covering her ears.

"You just need to remember that we are friends and will always be friends." Gu Fenghua said with a smile.

"En." Da En didn't say thanks, Han Yangshu and the others really didn't say anything more, they just nodded heavily, and the tears in their eyes became more shining.

They will never forget who gave them all this. If they hadn't received their help, they wouldn't know when they would be promoted to the inner sect, and they would never even have this opportunity.

The disciples of Nanli Sect beside them all looked at Han Yangshu and the others enviously. As onlookers, they knew more about the preciousness of the friendship between Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, and they also knew better that Han Yangshu and the others were able to make such a friend. What a blessing.

"Senior Brother Han, Junior Brother Zhou, Junior Brother Lin, and Junior Sister Le'er, congratulations on passing the examination and becoming inner disciples. I would like to host a banquet to celebrate your achievements. By the way, I also invite Uncle Gu and Uncle Luo to the banquet together. Can you show me your face." A young disciple said expectantly, and tried every means to get close to Gu Fenghua.

"Go, go, Brother Han and the others have just passed the assessment and need to rest well. How can they have the time to go to a banquet?" Another older disciple scolded.

"I'm being rude." The disciple realized that he was too eager, and retreated embarrassedly.

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