My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1612 The original purpose was to flatter

"Senior Brother Han, although the Qiqu Valley where I live is not rich in aura, there are a lot of exotic flowers and plants in the valley, which are very good for restoring vitality and replenishing energy. Why don't you go to my place to rest for a few days, by the way, Gu Shishu and Luo Shishu, I found a few medicinal herbs a few days ago, but I don’t know what they are, I would like to invite the two of you to stop by and have a look, I don’t know what the two masters think?” The young disciple had just retired, and the young man The eldest disciple said with a smile on his face again. Obviously, it is better to try to get close to Gu Fenghua Luo Enen.

"Senior Brother Chen, what are you doing?" The young disciple, although young, was not stupid, and immediately realized what was going on, and said anxiously.

"Junior Brother He, I just asked Brother Han and others to go to my place for recuperation for a few days, and by the way, I also asked Uncle Gu and Uncle Luo to help me identify a few medicinal plants. Why are you in a hurry?" Senior Brother Chen said calmly.

"My surname is Chen, don't think I don't know what you're up to, I'm still a senior brother, how shameless are you!" Junior brother He blushed with anger when he saw him talking nonsense with his eyes open.

"It's not big or small, is there anyone who talks to senior brother like this?" Senior brother Chen said with airs.

"Senior brother, is it amazing? Can senior brother be ashamed and bully people like this? How about we see the real chapter under our hands, whoever wins, please ask Master Gu to go back." The young disciple's lungs were about to explode, and he pointed at Chen The senior brother cursed and grabbed the hilt of the sword.

"Okay, I'd like to see how capable you are!" Brother Chen was so scolded that he couldn't get off the stage, his face turned red, and he grabbed the hilt of his sword.

"Okay, okay, don't open your eyes. Congratulations to Yangshu and others who passed the examination and became inner disciples today. I'll be the host. I invite everyone to Qingxi Valley for a banquet." It was secretly funny, and said in a smooth manner.

"Okay!" As soon as the words fell, thunderous cheers rang out all around again.

"I'm here to cook!" However, as soon as Lonen said that, the cheers all around stopped immediately, and became deathly silent...

Although Miss Luo was in high spirits, Gu Fenghua didn't dare to let her cook in the end.

Are you kidding me? Ever since the pot of sapphire and emerald porridge was thrown into the corner, Qingxi Valley has become a forbidden zone for monsters and even mosquitoes have become a rare animal. Gu Fenghua estimates that the medicinal materials left on his body Not enough to refine the detoxification pill.

In the end, it was Gu Fenghua who did the cooking himself, and made some special dishes. Of course, Han Yangshu and the others would not see her busy up and down by herself, and went to the kitchen to show off her skills.

During the period of being expelled from the Holy Sword Peak, the few people did their own food and clothing, but they also practiced decent cooking skills.

The other disciples came to Qingxi Valley originally to set up a relationship with Gu Fenghua. How dare they sit and wait for the food to be served? Some disciples who are good at cooking also rolled up their sleeves and came to help. Gu Fenghua himself was free on the contrary. With a few pointers, the banquet was well organized.

The food and wine came to the table quickly, and all the disciples of Nanli Sect were full of praise, and they were once again shocked by Gu Fenghua.

This is not to flatter her, although their original purpose was to flatter, but after tasting Gu Fenghua's cooking skills, they have to admit that this Uncle Gu is really outstanding, even his culinary skills are outstanding. It is so amazing that the dishes cooked by her are absolutely delicious and make people want to stop.

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