Half of these words came from the heart. Although they are the elders of the sect, they also came up step by step from the disciples. For the Nanli sect, they do have a sense of pride from the heart. To be proud, to be ashamed of the sect's shame, how willing to let the Nanli sect fall into the hands of outsiders.

But the other half is out of selfishness.

In the past few years, Chang Wanfa has spent all his time trying to win the position of suzerain, and he has always gained the upper hand in the open and secret battle with Swing Sword. He believes that as long as he is given enough time, the suzerain position will be in his pocket sooner or later. However, now that Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua are "collaborating together", the momentum in Nanli Sect is growing day by day, and his hope of competing for the position of suzerain is getting slimmer and slimmer, so how can he be reconciled.

As for the swing sword, the only thing he thinks about is his face, face!

On the contrary, he was discouraged by the position of suzerain. He also knew that many disciples were unwilling to see him ascend to the position of suzerain just because of the fact that he was blind.

Oh, what a blind eye! Thinking of this word, Swing Sword became even more depressed.

"Then what else can you do?" Chang Yingrong asked calmly. Compared to the two battered elders, she was much more sober.

Chang Qiu and the two were startled by her question at the same time, and then turned bitter. Luo Enen himself is actually nothing to be afraid of, but Gu Fenghua, they really have nothing to do with her.

"By the way, I have a solution." After thinking for a long time, Chang Wanfa suddenly raised his head and said.

"What method, let's talk about it quickly." Qiu Qianjian said impatiently.

"One, Dao, Xue, Gong!" Chang Wanfa said word by word.

"A school!?" Qiu Qianjian and Chang Yingrong repeated at the same time. The former is surprise, while the latter is doubt.

"Our Nanli Sect is under the jurisdiction of the Tianxiang Sect, and the Tianxiang Sect is under the jurisdiction of an envoy. There are three holy sects under the envoy. The other two are the Kuzen Sect and the Xianyin Sect. Do you know this?" Chang Wanfa asked Chang Yingrong.

"I know, but what's going on with this school?" Although Nanli Sect is only a middle-rank sect, and there are upper-rank sects suppressing it, as a disciple of Nanli Sect, Chang Yingrong certainly knows that he is in charge of his own family. The Sacred Sect of the Zongmen is Tianxiang Sect, and he also knows that the other two Sacred Sects that are on par with Tianxiang Sect are Kuchan Sect and Xianyin Sect, but he doesn't know what relationship this has with Yiyi Academy.

"A school is a place of practice and experience built by an envoy. When the school was first established, the three holy sects of Tianxiang, Kuzen, and Xianyin also contributed a lot. Many of the cultivation methods and holy methods in it are the unique skills of the three holy sects.

Every hundred years, or hundreds of years, a school will recruit disciples from all the sects under the jurisdiction of a monarch. Naturally, I don't need to say more about the benefits of this. I believe you can understand it. I received a flyer letter from Yidao Academy yesterday, and in half a year, it will be the opening period for Yidao Academy to accept disciples.

Generally speaking, the upper-rank sects have two quotas for one school, the middle-rank sects have one quota, and the lower-rank sects have one quota for every three sects. How to allocate them is up to them to figure out their own way.

However, our Nanli Sect was also one of the three great Sacred Sects in the past. Earlier, several patriarchs taught in the Yiyi Academy, so like the top-rank Sect, we also have two places. "Chang Wanfa explained patiently.

"You mean to give these two places to Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen?" Chang Yingrong and Qiu Qianjian guessed why he suddenly mentioned a school.

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