My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1621 Send these two scourges away

"That's right, as long as I send these two scourges out of the Nanli Sect, I naturally have nothing to worry about." Chang Wanfa nodded and said.

"But a school has not opened a palace to accept disciples for more than two hundred years. This opportunity is so rare, isn't it a pity to give it to them?" Qiu Qianjian said hesitantly.

If you can send your disciples to a school, your future achievements will be limitless. This is a great thing for any sect, and being able to enter a school is naturally very precious. Giving it to Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen like this, he felt heartache just thinking about it.

"Besides this, do you have a better solution?" Chang Wanfa asked.

Qiuqianjian's expression froze. If there was a way, would he still need to walk around here like an ant on a hot pot?

Regardless of whether he is willing or not, he has to admit that what Chang Wanfa said is indeed the best way to support him and ascend to the position of elder. With Gu Fenghua behind the scenes, no one can stop it.

Only by finding a way to "invite" these two scourges out of the Nanli sect can they have a peaceful life.

"Then, let's do this." After thinking about it, Qiu Qianjian finally made up his mind and agreed to Chang Wanfa's proposal.

"It's not too late, the longer you delay, the more you will have long nights and dreams." Chang Yingrong looked at the gradually brightening sky and said eagerly.

When she thought that Gu Fenghua would soon leave Nanlizong, her heart, which was as desperate as death, immediately revived. It's pitiful to say, when I first saw Gu Fenghua, she was still aloof, putting on the airs of a sect disciple, and didn't pay attention to a mere "loose cultivator" at all, but now, she only hopes to hide her more and more. The farther the better, it is best not to meet each other for the rest of your life.

But how did these two people know that Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen didn't take the position of a middle-rank sect master seriously at all. Even if there is no way to make them leave, they will leave on their own soon.

Sometimes people are always clever but are mistaken by cleverness.


"Sister Fenghua, come out for breakfast." At dawn, Yu Le'er knocked on Gu Fenghua's door.

"Morning, Le'er." The door opened, and Gu Fenghua walked out, rubbing the chicken coop on Le'er's head habitually.

"Sister Fenghua, didn't you sleep all night?" Yu Le'er covered her head with both hands, and said in surprise when she saw that Gu Fenghua was still wearing yesterday's clothes.

"Yesterday I suddenly had some insights into the way of refining weapons, and I refined some gadgets by the way, and this is for you." Gu Fenghua casually handed a necklace to Yu Le'er.

"Wow, what a beautiful necklace!" Looking at the exquisite necklace, a series of little stars flashed across Yu Le'er's eyes.

"This necklace is not just about looking good." Gu Fenghua hung the necklace around Yu Le'er's neck with his own hands.

"Sister Fenghua, have you finally made it?" Yu Le'er saw Gu Fenghua refining the weapon a few days ago, and immediately heard what she meant, and guessed that it was the magical weapon that Gu Fenghua had never been able to refine, and she couldn't put it down. After finishing the pendant on his chest, he asked in surprise.

"What did you do?" Han Yangshu and the others also gathered over, and they all looked curious when they heard Yu Leer's last words.

"Yang Shu, you are also here, come and try the power of this necklace. Use your strongest sword skills to attack Le'er, don't hold back at all." Gu Fenghua said to Han Yangshu.

"Me?" Han Yangshu looked at Gu Fenghua strangely.

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