My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1627 Take a sharp turn when talking

"That's right, since we've already handed over a palace talisman to Junior Sister, of course Junior Sister has the final say on who to choose, and we won't interfere any more." Thinking of giving such a precious palace talisman Giving it to two rivals, Qiuqianjian felt a little heartbroken and unwilling, but for the sake of the overall situation, he simply agreed.

"This quota is hard-won. Our Nanli Sect is also affected by our ancestors, so we have one more. It's not appropriate to give it to outsiders, right?" Luo Enen didn't expect the two to be so straightforward, but was a little surprised.

"Our Nanli Sect has been in decline for so many years, why we still stand tall is because the ancestors of the past generations have gathered good sources. I don't know how many strong people have received the favor of my Nanli Sect, so every time there is a crisis, there will always be people. The strong came to help, even if we have been reduced from the Holy Sect to the middle-rank Sect, no one dares to attack our Nanli Sect.

If my junior sister has a friend with extraordinary talents, using this palace talisman to form a good relationship will be a great benefit to my Nanli Sect, so there is nothing inappropriate. "Chang Wanfa said righteously, without any falsehood.

The fact is true, the Nanli Sect has been down for thousands of years, but it still stands tall. It is true that it has formed a good relationship with its ancestors in the past, and it has a lot to do with the strong ones helping each other in times of crisis.

"In that case, then I will..." Having said this, Lorne paused.

Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian's faces showed unconcealable joy at the same time. It seemed that Luo Enen was going to leave Nanlizong and go to Yiyi Academy as they wished. Of course, this is also normal, how rare is the opportunity to enter a school, and how many people in this world can refuse it.

The two of them were just unlucky back then, when they were of the right age, they didn't catch up with the opening of a school to accept disciples, and when they opened the palace, they missed the best age for cultivation.

Otherwise, even if they give up their positions as elders, they will all go to Wendao Academy to learn more powerful secrets of exercises and holy sword skills. In that way, their cultivation will not be limited to the first rank of Heavenly Saints, and it will be difficult for them to make further progress in their lives up.

"Let me think about it again." Just when the two were secretly delighted, Loenen continued to finish speaking.

Hearing Luo Enen's words, Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian almost choked without breathing.

consider? Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian originally thought that Luo Enen would readily agree, but they didn't expect her to change the subject suddenly, and finally said something about thinking about it, and the corners of her mouth twitched at the same time. Also, since that, since that is used in this way, have you ever been to school?

Gu Fenghua also looked at Lonen speechlessly, it's really scary to be uneducated, you know that you will be anxious to death if you talk like this?

"Little sister, what else is there to think about? Do you know how rare it is to go to a school? Do you know how jealous other sects are for our Nanli sect having an extra spot?

If it wasn't for the Taishang Elder, who has discerning eyes and discerning pearls, just in time to bring you back to the Nanli Sect, you might never have the chance to go to a school in your whole life. "Currently slandered a few words, and Chang Wanfa persuaded him earnestly.

"I also know that the opportunity is rare, but I'm worried." Luo Enen said worriedly.

"What are you worried about?" Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian said in unison.

"I'm afraid it will be like the last time. I opened the Nanli Eight Formation Map but was trapped in it. If I wasn't lucky enough to open the formation, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get out for ten or eight years." Luo Enen said with a look of fear .

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