"Uh..." Chang Qiu and the two choked at the same time. The last time I handed the Nanli Eight Formation map to Luo Enen in advance, everyone knew what the intention was. If Luo Enen didn't mention it, they were of course happy to pretend to be deaf and dumb, but when Luo Enen said it clearly, they would I am speechless.

No one is a fool, even if Lornen is not smart, he will always gain wisdom from a fall, so how can he easily believe their words.

"No, Junior Sister, we really didn't have it this time..." Chang Wanfa hurriedly judged, his heart was about to bleed. This time is really a great benefit. The two places they sent out are really heartbreaking. Although the purpose is to send Lonen and the others away, the benefits are real.

"This quota is really precious. We swear it." Qiu Qianjian also said solemnly with a bitter heart.

Looking at the pained expressions on their faces, Lonen believed it almost in his heart. But she really didn't want to just do what these two old guys wanted.

"How about this, I will discuss with Fenghua before making a decision, Senior Brother Chang, Senior Brother Qiu, please sit down for a while." Luo Enen said after thinking for a while.

"That's fine, let's go for a walk around. This is the first time I've come to this courtyard of Junior Sister's since it was built. The scenery is really good. The most rare thing is that it's quiet and elegant. I don't even see a single fly or mosquito. By the way, little junior sister, how did you keep the yard so clean? I will teach the disciples below to learn when I go back." Chang Wanfa said full of praise while looking at the yard.

"Puchi!" Except for Luo Enen himself, the others all laughed out loud.

Want to be clean? What a simple matter, just ask Miss Luo to go back and help cook a meal, and make sure that you will poison the mosquitoes and ants into rare species.

Chang Wanfa looked at the crowd in bewilderment, not understanding why they were laughing. Seeing that Chang Wanfa looked over, everyone hurriedly stopped talking, looked up at the sky, turned their heads and moved their necks.

Leaving Chang Qiu and the others in the yard, Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua entered the room. Facing the swing sword, Han Yangshu and the others were of course embarrassed to each other, so they also followed.

"Uncle Gu, Uncle Luo, do you really want to leave?" Yu Le'er said to Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen with a worried and reluctant face.

Although Luo Enen is their real uncle, but they have been together for so long, they have already seen that Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua not only love each other as sisters, but also obey her, such a big matter must be left to Gu Fenghua call the shots.

"There is always a banquet in the world. Enen and I wanted to leave a long time ago." Gu Fenghua gently stroked Yu Le'er's hair. Thinking of separation, she was also a little bit reluctant, but she knew very well that if she wanted to become a real strong man, it would only be a matter of time before she left Nanlizong.

After hearing Gu Fenghua's words, Han Yangshu and the others all looked sad, with reluctance written in their eyes, but they didn't say much. They also knew that with Gu Fenghua's talent, staying in Nanli Palace would be a waste of life, and leaving was the best choice. As for Luo Enen following her, her future achievements will definitely be much higher than staying in Nanlizong. No matter how reluctant they are, they can't hold them back.

"According to what Chang Wanfa said, this school is a very good place to go, but I don't know if what they said is true or not." Luo Enen said after thinking.

"Although they are used to intrigue and scheming, but as elders, their character is not too bad. They should not talk about such a big matter." Zhou Siqin said.

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