My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1631 Tell me how much it will cost

"If you are going to Lanshan City, hundreds of thousands of low-grade Holy Spirit Stones are enough, but after all, you are going to a school, and you are surrounded by elite children from various sects and even high-rank sects. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me to come out?

I'm your junior sister, so it's okay to lose my own face, but I can't lose face to the two senior brothers, right, even if it's just to lose face to the two senior brothers, I can't even lose Nan Lizong's face together Well, no matter what, my Nanli Sect was also one of the Eighteen Sacred Sects in the past, if I lose the face of the sect, I am afraid that we will be ashamed to see our ancestors under the nine springs..." Luo Enen said eloquently .

"Junior Sister, just tell me, how much does it cost?" Chang Wanfa felt dizzy for a while, and felt even more uneasy, so he quickly interrupted her and asked directly.

The swing sword next to her held up her teacup. The more she listened to Luo Enen's words, the more frightened she became, so she drank a sip of tea first to suppress her shock.

"I think, with a few thousand mid-grade Holy Spirit Stones at the bottom, and another thirty to fifty thousand low-grade Holy Spirit Stones for pocket money, it should be enough." Luo Enen thought for a while and said.

"Pfft!" Before he finished speaking, Swing Sword had already sprayed out a mouthful of tea. Originally, I wanted to drink tea to suppress the shock, but I still couldn't suppress it! Qiu Qianjian looked at the tea stains on the ground and felt that his heart couldn't take it anymore.

Although the Nanli Sect has some family background, it is not their family background after all. As elders, they also receive a monthly allowance, and there are only a dozen middle-grade spirit stones in a year. As soon as Luo Enen came up, thousands of middle-grade spirit stones were at the bottom, and 30,000 to 50,000 low-grade spirit stones were needed for pocket money. This is clearly the lion's mouth, why didn't she grab it?

"Senior brother, what's the matter with you, please don't choke." Luo Enen stepped forward two steps, very friendly, and worked hard to help Qiu Qianjian beat his back.

From the first day Luo Enen returned to Nanlizong, he never had a day of comfort, and it was the first time he saw her showing such a cute side. Swing Sword felt a little flattered, and there was a bit of a smile on his face. The color of comfort.

"Senior Brother Qiu, don't be careless. You are a few years old, and you have to be careful in everything you do. There used to be a neighbor who choked to death when drinking water. When he died, his eyeballs protruded. It looked scary. .Sigh, I don’t know how many bad things I have done before, I can choke to death when I drink water..."

However, hearing Lonen's next words, especially the last one, he couldn't feel comfortable anymore. What do you mean you can choke to death by drinking water if you don't know what you have done? Isn't this pointing at the monk and scolding the bald donkey? Elder Qian was so angry that his eyeballs almost popped out.

"Junior Sister, it's not like you don't know the situation of our Nanli Sect. Thousands of middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones can't just be taken out." Qiuqianjian held back his anger and said to Luo Enen earnestly.

"I can't get out such a few holy spirit stones, so I went to a school, didn't I embarrass Nanlizong? The most important thing in my life, Master, is the honor of our Nanlizong. I must never embarrass Nanlizong. I can't be ashamed of his old man's kindness. Forget it, I'd better not go, just stay in Nanli Sect honestly." Luo Enen didn't hang himself, but said with a sad face.

"Wait, wait, the opportunity to go to a school is so rare, Junior Sister, don't rush to make a decision, Elder Qiu and I will discuss it first." Seeing Luo Enen retreating, Chang Wanfa immediately became anxious.

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