My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1632 I really want to send away the two scourges

When they didn't think of a way to send Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen away, they could barely bear it. As soon as they thought of a way, their mood became extremely urgent, and they didn't want to delay for a moment. .

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Luo Enen to answer, Chang Wanfa quickly pulled the swing sword aside.

"Elder Chang, are you really going to give it to her?" Qiuqianjian said to Chang Wanfa with a gloomy expression through sound transmission.

"Could it be that you want them to stay in Nanlizong?" Chang Wanfa asked back.

Qiuqianjian suddenly fell silent. If there was no Luo Enen, he would have a chance to compete with Chang Wanfa for the position of suzerain. If she didn't leave, he would have no chance at all against the two powerful enemies.

More importantly, Qingxi Valley now has its own branch, if Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen don't leave, the strength of Han Yangshu and the others will become stronger and stronger, and their reputation in the suzerain will also become louder and louder.

It is conceivable that when other disciples mention Han Yangshu and the others, they will mention the fact that he expelled them from the Holy Sword Peak. Just thinking of the eyes of his disciples looking at him, he would think of the big words "eyeless and blind", and his old face seemed to be slapped again.

If you want to keep this old face, the only way is to let Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen leave as soon as possible. Without them, the improvement of Han Yangshu's strength will stagnate, at least they will not soar like these days , maybe it won't be long before he will disappear from all sentient beings and be gradually forgotten by people. Of course, his blindness will also be gradually forgotten by people.

After all, no matter what the price is, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen must be sent out of Nanlizong.

"It's definitely not possible to keep it, but the question is how can we get so many Holy Spirit Stones?" Qiu Qianjian finally chose to compromise, but said with a sad face.

"Oh, if only she hadn't been allowed to prodigal like that." Chang Wanfa also sighed and said annoyedly.

Back then, in order to win Luo Enen's support and overwhelm each other, both of them tried to please Luo Enen in every possible way. As long as she asked for money, both of them gave generously.

Thinking back on the Holy Spirit Stones wasted on her now, both of them are still heartbroken. Of course, we can't blame them for being too generous. At that time, who knew that Miss Luo was such a fool and a prodigal.

"I blame you. If I hadn't brought her to my Holy Fa Peak, I would have had a little more money. Now, it's fine. I've been tricked. You have to drag me into the water together." Thinking of this, Chang Wanfa Can't help complaining again.

"Can you blame me for this? When did you see me at that time and didn't sneer at Sang and scold Huai, saying that I was so polite and despicable? If I don't send that scumbag to Shengfa Peak again, I'm afraid you will point my nose and yell at me." Qiu Qianjian pursed his lips and said disapprovingly.

Chang Wanfa suddenly lost his temper. When the Swing Sword took the lead and ushered Luo Enen into the Holy Sword Peak, he was so anxious that he couldn't sleep well at night, and his hair was about to fall out. If Qiuqian Sword hadn't sent Lonen to Shengfa Peak in time, he would probably have made a paper man draw circles and curse him in the middle of the night.

Speaking of this matter, he really couldn't blame Qiu Qianjian entirely. If he really wanted to blame him, he should also be blamed by Qiuqianjian. If he hadn't added fuel to the fire and encouraged Qiuqianjian to drive Han Yangshu and the others out of the Holy Sword Peak, he wouldn't be in such a mess now.

There are eyes but no pearls, eyes but no pearls... Hehe, thinking of this, Chang Wanfa's mood immediately improved a lot.

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