"I won't talk about the past, let's think about it, how can we get them to leave the Nanli Sect sooner or later. I can still get a thousand middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones, and ten thousand low-grade Holy Spirit Stones. Can you get them out?" How much?" Chang Wanfa asked.

The value of the low-grade Holy Spirit Stones is far inferior to that of the middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones. It is not difficult to get them together, but it is the middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones that really give them a headache.

"Don't you know my family background? At most, I can only take out a thousand middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones, and ten thousand low-grade Holy Spirit Stones." Qiu Qianjian said discouragedly.

"How about this, I'll discuss it with her again." After so many years of fighting openly and secretly, both of them knew the basics, and Chang Wanfa knew that Swing Sword had no secrets, so he could only say so.

Seeing the two elders whispering, they were so worried that their beards were about to be pulled off, Han Yangshu and the others were secretly amused, it turned out that the so-called business of the young master was just extortion. It is not easy for this little uncle to make the two elders into such a state.

After the discussion, Chang Qiu and the two came to Loenen again.

"Junior Sister, you also know the situation of Nanli Sect. Even the elders don't have much food left at home. Otherwise, Elder Qiu and I will each get 500 middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones and 10,000 low-grade Holy Spirit Stones for you. Like?" Chang Wanfa said to Luo Enen with a smile all over his face.

Although the two of them were able to take out a thousand medium-grade Holy Spirit Stones each when they emptied their homes, but Luo Enen made it clear that the lion opened his mouth. There is room for bargaining, and secondly, I want to try my luck. If Lonen suddenly agrees, they can save some pension money.

It's a pity that he underestimated Miss Luo's mentality. A person who can even learn the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword must have such a strong mind, and how could he be so prone to brain twitches?

"What, there are only 1,000 middle-grade spirit stones and 10,000 low-grade spirit stones in total, and you want me to go to a school to embarrass people. If you don't want to go, you must know that my face also represents your face. It also represents the face of Master and his old man, and it also represents the face of my Nanli Sect.

Back then, my Nanli Sect was also one of the eighteen holy palaces under the seat of the Tianji Sage Monarch. It was so beautiful in the Tianji Continent, and its status was so lofty in the hearts of thousands of saints. If I took such a small amount of money to go to It's a disgrace to Yidao Academy, what face will I have to meet my master and his elders in the future, and what face will I have to see the ancestors of Nanli Zong.

If this matter spreads out, how will you let me see people? Don't say that outsiders will point and point at me, I am afraid that our own disciples will break my spine.

If I lose my reputation, I'm afraid I won't be able to marry in the future. You are my senior brothers, so why don't you just watch my junior sister become an old aunt for a lifetime..." Chang Wanfa just finished speaking, Luo Enen It jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and then it crackled and complained, and tears were about to fall when it was said.

I have to say that Gu Fenghua and Gu Fenghua are really "the same breed" with this disgusting rhetoric, and Gu Fenghua also opened his eyes and lied to Gui Yezi like this.

Both Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian had black lines on their foreheads, and they were sweating profusely.

Don't you just want money, is it necessary to speak so righteously, and also lose our face, your master's face, Nanli Zong's face, please, what does this have to do with Nanli Zong's face?

Also, what does this have to do with whether you get married or become an old aunt? Could it be that you can get married if you give money? With your prodigal virtue, you may not be able to get married even if our Nanli Sect pays a lot of dowry.

An elder is an elder, and he is indeed well-informed and experienced. The idea of ​​giving a large dowry as a dowry gift is exactly the same as that of Patriarch Luo in the past.

"Then, little junior sister, how much do you think is appropriate?" Chang Wanfa secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked patiently.

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