My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1638 I Miss You (The hero finally reveals himself)

In the evening, Gu Fenghua had dinner with Jiaoju and Jianjian, and then he was going to eat in the yard before going to bed. As for the little bear cub, he is still sleeping soundly in the demon pet space, and he doesn't know when he will wake up. It should be that the power of the divine beast absorbed last time has not been digested yet.

Juju's tail has grown completely, and three fiery red tails are swaying behind him. The fluffy appearance makes people want to reach out and touch them. Of course, Gu Fenghua also did the same, and he took Juju from the beginning to the end.

This feeling, tsk tsk, even Gu Fenghua was a little swayed.

Looking at the satisfied smile on Gu Fenghua's face, Jianjian felt sad.

I don't know if there is any medicine that can make Yaozhi grow hairy?

Bianjian thought seriously in her heart.

Just when Gu Fenghua led Juju around the yard for the third time, there was a strange movement in the air.

Gu Fenghua was alert in his heart, frowning and looking ahead of him.

However, the next moment, the air in front of him was distorted, and a hole suddenly appeared, a pale green fluorescent hole, only half the height of a person. Like a space-time hole leading to another world, it constantly distorts the surrounding air.

Gu Fenghua was startled, and subconsciously drew his sword. But this distorted space hole is like a swaying water pattern, which becomes stable after shaking. Then it became solidified, and a figure gradually appeared in front of her.

"Yunji!" Gu Fenghua looked at this handsome face that emerged from the space-time hole, and was startled, followed by great joy.

"Xiao Fenghua." Ye Yunji's appearance was a bit ethereal and unreal, but Gu Fenghua could see the smile on his face, and his clear and bright voice, even more clearly reached her ears.

This is not a dream!

"You, how did you do it?" Gu Fenghua asked in surprise, she looked at the picture in front of her without blinking. Does she miss Ye Yunji? I miss it very much. But she has to move forward all the way, on the road to becoming a strong one. Only to bury the thoughts in the bottom of my heart.

"I miss you." Ye Yunji didn't answer Gu Fenghua's question, but looked at her burningly, and also refused to blink, looking almost greedily at the face that made him think about it day and night. Miss her very much.

"I miss you too." For Ye Yunji's straightforward appeal, Gu Fenghua blushed slightly, but responded to him louder.

The smile on Yeyun Jijunmei's face widened: "I am far away, but I have been thinking about you. We will meet again soon. I am relieved to see that you are safe."

As soon as Ye Yunji finished speaking, the howl of the magic dragon came: "Master, hurry up, I, I can't hold it anymore. Hey, I can't hold it anymore, I want to become a roasted dragon!" It's..."

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Gu Fenghua's heart sank when he heard the howling of the dragon. Did they encounter any danger? No, if you were in danger, would you talk to her so calmly?

"This spicy chicken demon dragon loses the face of the dragon clan. You can't hold it if you activate the teleportation technique." Ye Yunji's face was full of disgust, but his speech speed accelerated, "Xiao Fenghua, you Be careful. If you encounter danger, remember to use the ring you gave me. Wuji Shengtian is different, the ring may not be able to actively defend like in Tianji Continent..."

"Yeah, I remember, you, you have to be careful." Gu Fenghua looked at the person in front of him, and returned eagerly. Because the scene in front of him has begun to shake and become more and more blurred.

Woohoo, our hero finally came out. congratulations!

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