Gu Fenghua heard from the words just now that the image of Ye Yunji could appear in front of him, it was the magic dragon that cast the teleportation technique, and the magic dragon couldn't last long at all. The image in front of me is about to disappear.

"I miss you, I miss you so much!" Gu Fenghua looked at Ye Yunji reluctantly, there were so many things in her heart that she wanted to tell Ye Yunji, but thousands of words came to her mouth but only turned into one sentence: I miss you.

"Take care, wait for me." Ye Yunji's tone was full of reluctance.

"Ah, master, I... ouch—" the dragon howled, and then the picture in front of him disappeared, and the distorted space-time hole also disappeared instantly. The surroundings returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.


Ye Yunji looked down at the magic dragon lying at his feet like a dead dog, and said coldly: "Hei Gouzi, you are really useless."

"Master, don't call me by my nickname. I have a big name." Molong raised his head feebly, protesting bitterly, trying to fight for his dignity, "What a nice name the mistress gave me, Motian."

"I will remember to call you by your name outside." Ye Yunji said coldly. Spicy Chicken Demon Dragon also knows dignity. For Xiao Fenghua's sake, he won't be called Hei Gouzi outside.

"Hey, thank you master." The dragon wept bitterly, he is a majestic dragon, a noble dragon clan. He is called a black dog outside, he might as well be dead.

Ye Yunji didn't speak, but raised his head and looked forward, narrowing his eyes slightly. The beautiful eyes are full of cold light.

"Master, when are we going out?" The magic dragon slowed down, then straightened up and looked forward.

In front of them was endless barrenness, black land, black stones, black trees, and a dark mass of hideous and ugly black creatures in the distance. He was approaching them quickly with red eyes, roaring, and his body exuded a black aura.

Ye Yunji got up, and the dragon twisted his body and flew to Ye Yunji's side.

Under their feet, there was a vacuum formed around them, surrounded by the corpses of black creatures. The picture is zoomed out, and the corpses of black creatures are layered on top of each other, spread farther away, which is spectacular. The black blood was almost converging into a river on the ground, and the black aura permeated the surroundings, but there was no way to get close to them.

"Kill all... these, and go out." Ye Yunji raised his hand, and a long sword with a cold light appeared in his hand. His eyes swept across the boundless black misty sky, as well as those black creatures who were stepping forward, with a look of arrogance looking down on the world between his brows.

"Aw!" The demon dragon raised its head to the sky and howled, its stature suddenly grew, and it rushed forward with its fangs and claws. Quickly kill all these rubbish, find what the owner wants, and leave this hot chicken place.


Gu Fenghua stared blankly at the place where the space hole disappeared, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

Then she covered her chest with a smile on her face.

It was great to meet him...

"Master, who was that person just now?" Jiaoju asked in a childish voice.

"That is, my love." Gu Fenghua looked down at Jiaojuju and explained with a smile.

"My love, what is it?" Jiao Juju tilted her head in confusion.

"That's it..." Gu Fenghua was about to explain, when Jianjian reached out to the flowerpot, and then hugged Jiaoju with two vines, explaining, "My love, that is when you meet a male fox who wants to mate, it will be you beloved, do you understand?"

Gu Fenghua: "..." This spicy chicken Yaozhi eats jujube pills. What are you teaching me?

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