Jiaoju heard Jianjian's explanation, and suddenly realized: "So it's like this. My mother told me before that when I grow up, I can mate with the fox I like. That master, that one is very good-looking. The human beings who want to make friends with you in the future..."

Without waiting for Jiaojuju to speak, Gu Fenghua quickly covered its mouth.

"It's not like that, I like him, and he likes me too." Gu Fenghua squinted his eyes, and if this continues, Juju still doesn't know what kind of bold words he will say.

Jianjian shrinks its flower plate, just wanting to slip away.

"If you teach Ju Ju some more messy things, I'll take your flower plate off." Gu Fenghua said threateningly.

He groaned miserably: "Okay, okay, I won't teach indiscriminately in the future." Huapan, if such an important thing is taken off, it will not live, blah blah blah.

Jianjian hid back in the demon pet space, but Jiaoju was unwilling to go in, it obediently rubbed against Gu Fenghua: "Master, Juju wants to sleep with you."

"Okay, let's sleep together tonight." Gu Fenghua couldn't put it down for this fluffy pillow, and of course happily carried Juju back to the house.

Luo Enen didn't come back at night, Gu Fenghua felt a little ominous in his heart. This cheater didn't come back at night, it seems that he bought it. There are so many Holy Spirit Stones that were blackmailed, I hope she won't spend them all in one go.


Gu Fenghua felt that the halo of Tiankeng was not in vain.

Forget it, as long as she doesn't take herself seriously when she buys things.


Early the next morning, Lornen still didn't come back.

Gu Fenghua tempered the Yaomu cauldron.

"You've thought it all over, and now you're going to start refining the Yaomu cauldron?" Gui Yezi said solemnly as soon as he took out the Yaomu cauldron, "If you haven't learned the art of combining gods before, it's just a failure, and there is no benefit. There is no harm, but you have achieved a little success in the technique of Heshen, but your realm is not enough. If you fail, you may hurt your meridian spirit. In my opinion, it is better to practice for a while before doing it. good."

"Senior Gui Yezi, I've already made up my mind. A school is a holy place for cultivation created by an envoy, and there must be strong people among them. If I want to stand out, I must have stronger strength. Yaomu cauldron, I can also protect myself a bit more." Gu Fenghua said firmly.

It was not the first time for Gui Yezi to persuade her, and she could also feel that with the improvement of her refining ability, she could sense the spirituality in the Yaomu cauldron more clearly, and even feel the hostility in it. It also means that when she refines the Yaomu cauldron again, the risk will be even greater.

After all, in the past, the refining skills were a little lower, and it had no effect on the Yaomu cauldron, and that trace of spirituality didn't bother to pay attention to her, but now that it can really be refined again, that trace of spirituality will not let her casually be in Tai Sui. Ground broke on the head. After all, it's just a spiritual idea, so it's impossible to tell whether Gu Fenghua is a friend or an enemy. In short, it's impossible to break ground on its head.

If Gu Fenghua succeeds in tempering it, that's all. If he fails, he will inevitably be backlashed by the artifact. At least, the meridians and spiritual sense will be damaged, and at worst, his life will be in danger.

But the way of cultivation, how can there be no risk. If Gu Fenghua didn't go to a school, he could slowly improve his crafting skills and wait until he was 90% sure. But now that he was going to a school, he couldn't waste time.

Where there are people, there are bound to be disputes. The more powerful the place is, the more intense and even tragic such disputes will be!

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