My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1642 Did she deliberately fool you

"I'm fine." Gu Fenghua took a deep breath and said.

"Or, it's better to practice the art of combining gods for a period of time before tempering it." Gui Yezi couldn't help persuading again.

"No, I'll try a few more times, and it should be fine." Gu Fenghua took a holy pill, and soon made another handprint.

She felt that there was a slight deviation in a handprint just now, which caused the artifact to backfire. If every handprint was perfect, she should be able to temper the demon wood cauldron successfully.

Of course, she doesn't know how many setbacks and backlashes she will have to experience if she wants to practice every handprint to perfection, but this will never be a reason for her to give up.

After all, she has practiced the unique skills taught by her brothers since she was a child. Her meridians are stronger than ordinary people, and she possesses the power of the phoenix and her spiritual sense is far superior to ordinary people. She also has enough healing holy pills on her body. Basic, at most it will make her suffer, why should she give up?

As the handprints were printed one after another, there was a muffled sound in the room from time to time, and Gu Fenghua's face became more and more pale, and even traces of blood ooze from the corners of her mouth, but her gaze was always So unwavering.

Gui Yezi's eyes once again showed admiration and emotion, such persistence, such firmness, even he felt ashamed. If he can also be like Gu Fenghua, he must have more than that in refining weapons.

Just when Gu Fenghua went all out to temper the Yaomu cauldron, a new round of nightmares between Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian began again.

In the ancient hall of Shengfa Peak, Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian paced back and forth again, anxious like two ants on a hot pot.

"It's been three days, why hasn't there been any news from Luo Enen?" Qiu Qianjian said irritably.

In order to persuade Luo Enen to leave Nanlizong, they even took out the coffin, but they waited and waited for three days, Luo Enen didn't say when to leave, and even the shadow of the person was gone. Not seen again.

"Did she say it was three days last time?" Chang Wanfa was also a little anxious, but in front of the swing sword, he tried his best to put on a calm appearance.

"It seems that she said two or three days, and it seems that two days later." Qiu Qianjian recalled and said, not sure how long Lonen was talking about.

"Forget it, waiting like this is not an option, let's go to Qingxi Valley and ask." Chang Wanfa said.

Wuji Shengtian's language is infinitely wonderful. When he said two or three days or two days, it may not be two or three days or two days, maybe four or five days, maybe six or seven days, maybe ten days, maybe... indefinitely , this point is similar to the world that Gu Fenghua described in the storybook that his brothers gave her.

In short, the more he thought about it, the more worried he became, and an ominous premonition floated in his heart.

"Third Uncle, Elder Qiu, you don't think Luo Enen is deliberately fooling you?" Chang Yingrong asked worriedly.

I thought that Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen would burst into tears with gratitude when the third uncle took out a palace talisman, and rushed to a school palace as quickly as possible, but after waiting for several days, the two of them did not move at all. After the joy passed, she also began to worry.

"I think... as the Supreme Elder's disciple, she shouldn't be so dishonest." Chang Wanfa lacked confidence when he said this, obviously trying to comfort himself.

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