"Let's go, let's go to Qingxi Valley." Even Chang Wanfa, who was always treacherous and cunning, lacked confidence, and the impetuous Qiuqianjian was even more impatient, and stood up first.

Chang Wanfa also got up immediately, and the two elders rushed towards Qingxi Valley in a hurry.

"Little uncle, are you back?" Before reaching Qingxi Valley, I heard a disciple greet Luo Enen.

Sure enough, the dusty figures in front were not Luo Enen and Han Yangshu.

"I'm back. I haven't seen you for a few days. How are you all?" Luo Enen said to the disciple with a smile without any airs of a master.

"Thank you little uncle for thinking about it, we are all fine." The disciple was overwhelmed by the flattery, quickly saluted, and said, "I heard that my little uncle went to Fengming Collection, I don't know what to expect?"

"Haha, don't tell me, although Fengming Collection is not as prosperous as Lanshan City, but if you are lucky, you can really find a lot of good things. This time I have gained a lot, and the trip was not in vain." Mentioning this, Luo Enen was in high spirits, as if he had picked up a treasure.

What, Fengming Collection, she went to Fengming Collection again! Seeing the radiant look on Luo Enen's face, Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian felt chills at the same time, and the ominous premonition became even stronger.

"Senior Brother Chang, Senior Brother Qiu, why are you here?" At this moment, Luo Enen saw the two of them and ran over happily.

"Hehe, we went out for a walk, and we didn't expect to meet my junior sister. What a coincidence." Chang Wanfa said with a dry laugh.

"Yeah, yeah, what a coincidence, I'm going to find you guys." Lornen smiled brightly.

"Look for us, Junior Sister, are you ready to go?" Qiu Qianjian's eyes lit up, and he asked immediately.

"Well, it's almost done, but there is still a small matter that I want to discuss with the two senior brothers." Luo Enen said.

"What trivial matter?" Qiu Qianjian hurriedly asked.

"Let's go, go to Qingxi Valley first, and I'll tell you slowly in a while, after this little matter is settled, Fenghua and I will leave immediately." Luo Enen led the two of them forward in big strides.

Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian looked at each other, and both heaved a long sigh of relief. It seems that their worries were unnecessary, this little junior sister is still very trustworthy.

Soon, several people came to Qingxi Valley.

"Junior Sister, what's the small matter, just tell me, we will definitely do our best to help you solve it." Chang Wanfa said with a pleasant face, holding the tea made by Lu Enen's novice.

As long as Lonen is willing to leave, let alone small things, they will take care of even big things.

"That's what happened. Didn't you guys borrow some Holy Spirit Stones from me a few days ago? I went to Fengmingji to prepare them. Originally, I just wanted to buy some clothes, shoes, snacks, etc., but this time I was lucky. , as soon as I went to Fengming Collection, I saw many good things.

You also know that what is needed most is fate, if a good opportunity is in front of you, but you don't cherish it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

The most frightening thing about the way of cultivation is not that there is no opportunity, but that there was once a huge opportunity in front of me, but I did not cherish it. I regretted it until I lost it. Instead of regretting it many years later, if God gave me another If I have a chance, I will definitely..." Luo Enen opened up the chatterbox and said eloquently.

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